A Lot in Common - Suki/Azula, Ty Lee/Azula, Suki/other kyoshi warriors

Jul 24, 2009 09:32

Title: A Lot in Common
Characters: Suki/Azula, Ty Lee/Azula, Suki/other kyoshi warriors
Rating: G
Notes: Written for

She felt a hand push her back against the wall. The edge of a fan brushed her neck. Suki had her pinned - but the hold was weak. Suki knew the princess could break out easily if she wished. Something was holding her; she wanted to see how the situation played out.

“Take her back,” hissed Suki. “Ty Lee, the acrobatic girl.”

“I would if it were possible,” Azula stated. “But it’s not.”

“I don’t believe that,” Suki rebutted. “The way she goes on about you all the time. She talks about how fantastic your love was and that she always wanted more. My fellow warriors were so determined to convince her to stay that they catered to her every desire.”

“That’s her tactic alright,” Azula laughed. “I’ve seen her use it a million times on boys.. She always makes each of the boys jealous of the other ones. It was quite affective strategy.”

Azula watched the expression on Suki face - the wheels were turning in the Kyoshi Warrior’s head, Suki knew Azula spoke the truth.

“It would be pointless for me to even visit. She hates me,” Azula stated. “But you on the other hand - we seem to have a lot in common now.”

“I doubt that,” Suki huffed.

“We were both abandoned,” Azula said with a hint of pout in her voice. “Ty Lee left me, and your warriors left you.”

The princess’ words crushed the warrior - much to Azula’s delight.

“But we can do something about that, can’t we,” Azula said as she stroked Suki’s hair.

pairing: azula/ty lee, character: suki, pairing: azula/suki, character: azula, fandom: avatar: the last airbender

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