(no subject)

Feb 21, 2009 23:06

Title: Unfamiliar ceiling

Theme: #30 - The broken and abandoned echoes of the past

Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Characters/Pairing: Shinji

Rating: PG

Shinji looked up from his bed and the ceiling was unfamiliar to him. It was a very painful for him to see that sight. But he saw it far more often then he should. It brought back horrid memories of the past. After his mother passed away, his father abandoned him and he spent most of his nights moving from place to place. Seeing new and unfamiliar ceiling on a nightly basis. It was always hard on Shinji.

After he moved in with Misato he felt better because the ceiling became familiar to him. It was relaxing and the ceiling was smooth and not cracked or broken like many he had seen. Even after many battles, it was seeing the rough hospital ceiling that reminded him of the nightmarish life he had as a young child.

fandom: neon genesis evangelion, character: shinji

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