Title: Connection
Theme: #27 - In this wired world, can people still truly connect?
Fandom: Serial Experiments Lain
Characters/Pairing: Alice
Rating: G
Alice looked into the mirror. Her eyes began to rapidly move. They moved constantly. She never made eye contact with her reflection. She was afraid to. She was scared that her entire world would unfold and that she would see what she did not want to. She was most afraid that she was exactly like Lain, a mere illusion of the virtual world, that her world was just an illusion. She didn’t want that.
She and Lain had been close. Finding out the truth became something that was frightening to Alice. It was surreal, but their friendship in a way was the same way. She avoided others now because she didn’t want another good friendship. Friendships might only end in heartbreak for her. Those were only thoughts that crossed her mind anymore these days. She didn’t even want to look at herself because she felt she shouldn’t even connect with herself.