May 15, 2008 01:26
i dont really know where to start...everything seems so fucked up now...things with my best friend are well up and down all the time i just want to shake him and tell him to wake up like i did when he got into drugs and drinking all the time hes going no where fast again and i cant handle it all i want is for him to be happy for himself and happy for me hes mad im with kyle and that i dont understand he says hes happy he looks about as happy as the days before we started dating he wont tell me anything anymore he says its too hard all i did was what he wanted if thats not what he wanted he should have said something we have been through so much together and now we dont talk and when we do we fight because hes mad about kyle and im mad at him for the ways he hurt me and the lies he tells me its not even about us and it was never about whatever her name is and he cant seem to understand that all i want is for him to be happy and truely happy not this fake attempt at happy even if hes not with me as long as hes happy i dont care i want to see my friend smile like he used to i did what he wanted i thought it would make things easier for him but it didnt i dont get it say what you mean and mean what you say be true to yourself and honest with others and everything else will fall into place...
im home now an it feels like im right back in high school i cant move with out someone saying something or glaring at me or some other stupid thing that you see in a fucking hall way i just want to scream and tell everyone to fucking grow up i hate stupid people yeah chaz and i broke up 2 fucking years ago get over it its between me and chaz not me chaz and the rest of the planet dont you all have something else to do with your time
maybe thats why god brought me home to pray for people down here the lost the hurt and broken to teach me to forgive and teach others to do the same this town is so fucked up its driving me crazy
i miss my friends at school ya know the kind that talk to you instead of about you the ones that i talk about things not people with i miss the lake and the waves its amazing how refreshing the cold water can be on your soul there is hope up there i miss it but this is home or at least it used to be...
its interesting how much this town stays the same every time i come home and it catches me off guard...its not like i expected it to change with me but i guess i expected things to be different than they are...its just weird
time seems to pass so slow down here i cant handle this place i need to find something to do with my time be productive again its hard to come home to a town thats so different from marquette and to go from crazy busy to nothin goin on ill figure it out i always do