Lucidity strikes!!

Feb 06, 2007 12:23

a week in my new apartment and i've had 2 lucid dreams!... my first 2... this change of location must have helped quite a bit. Tho they were brief and unexciting, they were deffinately lucid as i had complete control over them. Cool thing about them is once i started losing focus and began to wake up.. i turned them into OBEs!. Very cool!... tho they were also brief.

I keep trying to rush during these experiances and i think this is my downfall. I want to hurry and get on with something before it ends which seems to cause them to end. Bit more practice is needed but i do feel like i'm gettin better at it. I've discovered an ideal sleeping position to induce them (on my back).. and i didnt even have to do meditation. I am however concerend that i have not felt the well documented pre-obe 'vibrations' since the first and only time right at the beginning. Its a very smooh transition these days thats starts from nodding off into sleep paralysis and i'm there. Seems a lil 'too easy' you know?
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