New AO3 Account

Feb 26, 2019 19:23

So, I went ahead and started my AO3 account and the transferring of all my works from my FFN to there, just to make things easier on my friend who graciously agreed to be my Fannish Next of Kin. That way, when the time comes, all he'll have to do is upload whatever is left of Enternity and my notes on Silent Tears.

(I swear to fuck, Enternity will be fucking finished before I die. It's literally the last piece of writing I have to finish. I even finished my goddamn book before this fic. What the fuck.)

Honestly, I might just give my notes to Silent Tears to him to finish, cause otherwise....I don't know, it just seems like a tease, you know? Hardly anyone even remembers that clusterfuck of a fic.

Anyway, my name there is the same as my name on FFN, just without spaces:


Once FFN allows for profile updating again - it currently doesn't cause of the profile virus thing - I'll give an update there too. 
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