(no subject)

Jan 08, 2019 20:34

I finally finished watching Surviving R. Kelly and just...it would be so amazing if he gets his comeuppance before I kick it. Like...I've been disgusted with him since his marriage to Aaliyah. And then I moved to Chicago and realized how much time he had spent with high school girls and was further disgusted.  Then came that fucking RAPE tape - let's call it what it was, you can't have sex with someone who can't consent, like a fucking CHILD - and that was when I started to go out of my way to make sure that I no longer listened to his music, even the songs that I loved and tried to wiggle around by "separating the art from the artist"

You can do that shit when the monster is dead or has been punished, not when he's walking free and able to hurt others.

I sincerely hope that karma kicks him in the nads soon. Fuck R. Kelly. And, of course,


personal, thoughts

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