(no subject)

Aug 06, 2017 20:08

This is a post for my YouCaring fundraiser. I thank those who've donated and I do not expect more from you fine people. This is an informative post for those finding my link via YouCaring and Radio Free Monday and haven't yet donated.

I'm a graphic designer and artist living in Chicago. I lost my job and have been unemployed since October 2016, and my unemployment benefits and savings have run out. While I have been actively looking for work in my field, I need help paying for my utilities, rent, and medication for anxiety and depression, which have become worse since I lost my job.

If you donate please contact me with your address so I can send you an origami star as a token of my appreciation. You can private message me your details at DW to get me your address.

I have two cats I have to feed, the one with urinary tract issues, and I have the items above that need to be paid for. If I can raise enough money to last me until September that would be great and I would be forever indebted to you. My parents have tried to help out but their money is very tight. I have no one else to go to, especially for September. FYII'm looking for a variety of jobs including temp jobs through agencies.

This month I have to pay for meds, my shrink, utilities, and food. Next month it's rent, meds, my shrink, foods, and utilities.

I'm applying for what we call a Link card in Illinois to offset food costs and am debating going to the pantries to help get food.

So that's the plan and I hope this extra further informative has helped you.

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