Weak Like a Little Kitten

Aug 01, 2011 18:05

Hey, why step back into fandom one foot at a time when you can leap in like a panicked ferret graceful gazelle? Under that philosophy, I've signed up for spn-reversebang, woo! Because it's such a cool idea. Do it.

Aaaaaand because I am a following follower who trails behind a lot (and I like stupid pictures), I joined tumblr!

*cricket, cricket*

Shut up, that wonderfully timed LJ brownout was a little worrying, okay? And I am a child of the internet, I will keep up with it even if I have to drag myself kicking and screaming. Any way, I'm at http://sparseparsley.tumblr.com/. I'm not wholly sure what I'm doing, but I'm there! I even posted (tumbled?) a thing but now I can't find it via any of the tags I added, though I can see it on my page, so I don't know what's up there. Apparently they have search troubles sometimes, so maybe that's the problem. BRAVE NEW WORLD, YO!

I like that tumblr layout, it looks fast.

stuff, fandom

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