Fic: An American Werewolf in Denver [7/11] (Mag7:ATF/An American Werewolf in London/Paris, 14A)

Dec 03, 2010 10:06

Title: An American Werewolf in Denver [7/11]
Author: Sparrow
Fandom: Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris
Characters: JD Dunne, Casey Wells, Maddie Stokes, Kate Stokes, Del Spivak, Garber, Kirkland, Chris Larabee, Nathan Jackson, Ezra Standish, Josiah Sanchez, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner and various OC characters
Rating: 14A
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris. Any poems or songs used in this fanfic belong to their respective creators.
Warnings: Secondary Character death, mentions of off screen sex (het), minor wolf dominance/submission in human form, captives held in chains, a woman roughed around in an interrogation room, OC Character death, some slight graphic descriptions of gore
Summary: JD Dunne undergoes some changes when attacked by a strange creature on a full moon night. Confused about what’s happening to him, can he trust Team Seven to help him through it all? Or will outside influences turn him against his friends and brothers.
Author’s Note: I just wanna say a huge thanks to bookaddict43 for the last minute step in as my beta and also being my artist! Yay! Written for the first Magnificent Seven Big Bang (mag7bigbang), this was a challenge and a half to get this all written out and I just want to say thank you for the encouragement and support of my friends while I was getting this out - you know who you are. I hope all my warnings are appropriate and if you feel I’ve missed anything, feel free to point it out and I’ll be happy to add it to the list. :) Enjoy!

Wolves are not our brothers; they are not our subordinates, either. They are another nation, caught up just like us in the complex web of time and life. -Henry Beston


That was the best sensation that JD could describe his current position.

Floating. In the dark. He couldn’t see anything.

Buck? Chris? Vin? Nathan? Josiah? Ezra? Anyone? Is there anyone there?

A low growl answered JD’s cries in this darkness and then, there was a light. Just a small dot of light in the distance.

Trying to get away from the growling, JD tried to go towards the light, but it kept getting further and further away.

Come back! Please!

Something gripped his shoulder and he was spun around. His world exploded into light and he was suddenly face to face with a large type of dog or wolf in a white room. JD wasn’t sure.

But it had dark black fur, glowing amber eyes and teeth as large as his pinkie. He could see the back legs tense and then it sprang forward.

Yelping aloud in alarm, JD was stunned as the impact he expected didn’t occur as the creature went right into his body. Hands quickly roamed over his chest and stomach area as he spun around looking for where the wolf went.

That’s when the pain hit.

Hands clutched both of his sides as he down to his knees, head bowed almost straight to the floor.

“Oh God!” JD moaned.

Then a cracking sound rung in his ears, as he sat up, he brought a hand up to eye level and watched as the fingers elongated and changed shape.

JD screamed in pain as his bones painfully rearranged, his entire body shifted in length and hair grew everywhere. Clothes were ripped off with new sharp nails and the young, boyish face started to slowly elongate and push out from its natural structure. Ears grew pointed and up as the hair grew over his face.

It was a painful transformation and when it was all done, there stood the black creature in place of JD.

It lifted its head up, eyes glowing amber and howled.

“AHHHHHH!” JD cried out as he tried to sit up. The forced of the padded cuffs attached to chains brought him back down to the bed as he tried to see if he was still human.

“Wha -?” JD started to ask aloud as he looked around the room. There was a kitchen off to the side, a couple pieces of furniture and the bed he was currently lying on. Glancing at the padded cuff that encircled his hand, he gave it an experimental tug as he glanced backwards and saw it was bolted into the wall. He tried the same thing with his leg and no success.

He had been stripped down to his underwear and there was a faint smell of something in the air. Whatever it was, it was making him hungry.

Seeing no one around, he tried the direct approach. “Hello? Anyone there?”

Tugging on his restraints once again, JD huffed when realizing he wouldn’t be getting anywhere until someone came into the room.

It was here his brain kicked into higher gear and the questions rolled through his head. Who had him? Why? What could they possibly want with him? Did it have something to do with the case the rest of the team was working on? JD just didn’t know, he could only hope someone would come in soon so he could get some answers.

Soft footfalls outside the cabin caught JD’s attention and he could only wonder who it was and how he was hearing footsteps outside. They sounded like someone was stomping loudly on a hard floor.

The door handle slowly turned and then swung open.

Maddie entered the room, with red liquid inside a large plastic cup clasped in her hand as she kicked the door closed with her foot.

“Maddie? What are you doing here? Never mind that, help me out of these!” JD moved an arm and the chain rattled behind him.

“I’m sorry, JD, but I can’t do that,” Maddie said, smiling.

“Maddie?” JD questioned. This wasn’t the nurse or the woman he had met. He couldn’t describe it, but there was something in her eyes that scared him.

She removed a straw from her back pocket and placed it in the red liquid as she walked up towards him. Sitting next to him, she pushed the drink towards him. “Drink, you’ll feel better.”

It did smell really good to JD, but he needed answers first.

As if reading his mind, Maddie talked first. “I promise to answer all of your questions as long as you drink first.” She took a sip of it and then pushed it towards him. “See, it’s not drugged.”

Hazel eyes narrowed in distrust, but JD inched his head forward, captured the straw between his lips and began to drink greedily.

The flavour surprised JD; it tasted wonderful and magnificent at the same time. It was like the best food he had ever tasted was magnified by ten and had exploded in his mouth.

He finished the liquid off quickly.

Smacking and licking his lips clean of the liquid, JD levelled Maddie with a look, a look perfected of watching Chris Larabee glare over the years.

Placing the cup to the ground, Maddie laid a hand on JD’s face and gently stroked him along the cheek. “I’ve killed men for looking at me like that.”

“You’re the one who kidnapped me and are keeping me here,” JD stated.



“Because you are now part of my pack,” Maddie said.


“You’re a werewolf now, JD,” Maddie told JD. “The werewolf that attacked you and your fiancée was a part of my pack, but he went rogue. Mad with bloodlust. We’ve put him down since then.”

“You’re lying,” JD whispered.

“Hasn’t your sense of smell and hearing increased? Maybe seeing your dead fiancée?” Maddie questioned JD. “That’s what happens to people killed by our kind. They become ghosts. It’s unfortunate, but they become obsessed with killing werewolves, any kind of werewolves just to have a taste of revenge,” she lied. She then gestured at the leather pouch around JD’s neck. “It’s filled with salt. It has purifying properties and will keep her away for now. Just while you get your head straightened out.”

Tears prickled JD’s eyes and he sucked in choking, gulping breaths of air. “No.” Came the whisper of denial.

“Yes,” Maddie hissed with delight and straddled JD’s lap.

Running her hands over his body as he tried to squirm away from her touch. “Just relax, JD. Relax.”

“NO!” He bucked up, trying to dislodge Maddie from his body. His thoughts going to dark places of what she could do to him.

Growling as her eyes flashing amber, Maddie tilted her head up and howled to the ceiling, incisors growing a bit more pointed as she came nose to nose with JD.

Hazel eyes went wide at the change in Maddie’s face and something surged upwards inside of him, answering this challenge. His own eyes flashed amber and a rumbling sound filtered through his throat and to JD’s horror, he realized he was growling back.

The staring between the two continued on, until a whimper escaped from JD’s lips and found himself tilting his head upwards, exposing his neck.

An approving sound rumbled low in Maddie’s throat and she leaned forward. Fangs lightly scraping over JD’s throat and then she bit down.

A yipping sound of pain came from JD’s lips and his body went still. Licking the wound, Maddie petted JD’s hair as her slight wolfish features returned to human. “Good boy.”

Blinking and coming to, JD looked around. “What did you do?”

A smirk curled on Maddie’s lips. “You submitted to your alpha.”

Confusion played across JD’s face.

Lunging forward and snapping her teeth at JD, he found himself flinching and automatically tilting his head upwards in an offer of his submission.

Chuckling, Maddie removed herself from JD’s lap, picked up the cup and headed towards the door. Just before she left the cabin, Maddie called over her shoulder. “By the way, JD. That red liquid you guzzled pureed deer hearts.”

Exiting the cabin, JD’s breath came out in short breaths, almost panting.

“Guys,” JD whispered as a tear escaped from his eye. “I kind of need you to come save me, now would be good.”


It was late into the night when Buck got home.

There had been a lot to prepare and setup for the upcoming case. Vin and Kate had gone ahead to do some scouting of the area.

He didn’t know how JD got so much set up for survallience and communications, but watching Josiah organize what would be a long stake out in the van and getting his profiling done, he felt like he hadn’t done much except take notes and make sure the equipment was working.

The door to JD’s room was closed, but Buck was worried about his friend. He hadn’t call all day due to the amount of work he was given. Quietly opening the door, he peeked inside and saw there was no JD inside the room or in the bed.

“JD?” Buck called out.

Frowning, he checked the entire condo. JD’s jacket was gone and so were his keys. He’d gone somewhere.

Heading back outside, he checked the garage that was attached to the building and JD’s bike was gone.

Back inside the condo, Buck pulled out his cell phone and called JD. It went straight to voicemail. Dread formed in the pit of Buck’s stomach as he fired off a text, but it went unreplied for ten minutes.

JD was good about responding right away to Buck’s texts.

It was there, he knew something was wrong.

Where are you, JD? Buck frantically thought as he dialled a series of numbers to Chris’s cell.

On the second ring, Chris answered. “Larabee.”

“Chris, I can’t find, JD. I’ve tried his cell and his bike is missing,” Buck explained frantically.

“Buck, you better sit down.”

Sitting down, Buck listened.

“I was just about to call you; Vin just reported in with initial findings about Spivak’s group, they have JD.”

Eyes went wide and Buck felt himself slip off the chair. “What! Why?”

“We don’t know yet. All we know is is that they have him.”

“I’m coming over,” Buck said. “We need to get him back.”

“We will, Buck. Get some rest first, we’ll go over everything in the morning, integrate Ezra into their group sooner.”

“We need to do something now!” Buck roared into the phone. “Who knows what they’re doing to him!”

“Buck! We will get him back!”

Chris couldn’t see him, but Buck nodded. “All right, Chris.”

“Get some sleep and report in the office first thing in the morning, they’re not hurting him. We afford this time right now.”

Breathing in deeply as he shut his cell phone off, a tear escaped from Buck’s eye.

“We’re coming, JD, we’re coming.”


Part 6 // Part 8

au bingo card, character: chris larabee, character: maddie stokes, character: kate stokes, character: ezra standish, fic, tv series: magnificent seven: atf, aucb: fantasy&spn - authors choice, character: del spivak, character: original character, character: jd dunne, crossover fic, character: kirkland, character: josiah sanchez, character: vin tanner, character: casey wells, movie: an american werewolf in london/pa, character: buck wilmington, character: nathan jackson, character: garber, bigbang

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