Fic: An American Werewolf in Denver [6/11] (Mag7:ATF/An American Werewolf in London/Paris, 14A)

Dec 03, 2010 10:02

Title: An American Werewolf in Denver [6/11]
Author: Sparrow
Fandom: Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris
Characters: JD Dunne, Casey Wells, Maddie Stokes, Kate Stokes, Del Spivak, Garber, Kirkland, Chris Larabee, Nathan Jackson, Ezra Standish, Josiah Sanchez, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner and various OC characters
Rating: 14A
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven: ATF and An American Werewolf in London/Paris. Any poems or songs used in this fanfic belong to their respective creators.
Warnings: Secondary Character death, mentions of off screen sex (het), minor wolf dominance/submission in human form, captives held in chains, a woman roughed around in an interrogation room, OC Character death, some slight graphic descriptions of gore
Summary: JD Dunne undergoes some changes when attacked by a strange creature on a full moon night. Confused about what’s happening to him, can he trust Team Seven to help him through it all? Or will outside influences turn him against his friends and brothers.
Author’s Note: I just wanna say a huge thanks to bookaddict43 for the last minute step in as my beta and also being my artist! Yay! Written for the first Magnificent Seven Big Bang (mag7bigbang), this was a challenge and a half to get this all written out and I just want to say thank you for the encouragement and support of my friends while I was getting this out - you know who you are. I hope all my warnings are appropriate and if you feel I’ve missed anything, feel free to point it out and I’ll be happy to add it to the list. :) Enjoy!

They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit become skilled in creative endeavors and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to think there is some truth to this in my own life. -Judi Rideout

Buck was not in a good mood when he walked into Team Seven’s office space. Dumping his jacket onto his chair, he grabbed his mug and headed over to the coffee machine.

Pouring himself a cup, black, he drank it down quickly.

“Something vexing you, Mr. Wilmington?” Ezra asked from behind Buck’s shoulder.

“Got into a fight JD and now he’s pissed at me,” Buck muttered as he poured himself another cup of coffee. “He’s also kind of pissed at not being able to come in either.”

“I fear, our young friend most likely feels a need to be useful after what happened,” Ezra stated. “I know I would if I was in his position.”

Buck sighed. “Yeah, me too.”

“Come Buck, Mr. Tanner has apparently found us a lead in the form of a young lady friend of his.”

That stopped Buck short. “Vin has a lady friend? Here?”

Ezra chuckled. “An ‘old flame’ if I’m lead to believe the glances between the two.”

“Well then, this meeting just got a mite more interesting,” Buck grinned.


The first look of Kate Stokes as she introduced herself, reminded Buck of a Valkyrie he’d seen in pictures.

A warrior woman with ice in her eyes.

She also looked like she’d rip your throat out if you looked at her the wrong way. Pushing the foreboding feeling away, Buck sat in a chair in the conference room and got ready to listen about this ‘break’ they got in the case.

Once all of Team Seven, minus JD, were ready, Chris gestured at Vin to begin.

“Folks, this is Kate Stokes, we used to run together with her sister Maddie when I did bounty hunting, before joinin’ up with everyone here,” Vin explained. “Kate here has some information regardin’ our current case.” Vin gestured at Kate. “Kate?”

“Del Spivak is the man you’re lookin’ for,” Kate bluntly stated. “He’s the one runnin’ the group of your gun runners. He’s dangerous and usually runs a crew of up to 10 people, male and female, to do his jobs.”

She tossed a thick folder in Chris’s direction, held together with a couple of thick elastics.

“This is all I have on him and his operations and his crew.”

“How did you get all of that information?” Nathan asked. “And why come to us?”

“Lots of research, hunting and hard work,” Kate replied. “I’m damn good at following a trail.”

“Yet, you come to us to help catch your prey,” Ezra pointed out. “As my esteemed colleague pointed out, why come to us?”

“Tell them, Kate,” Vin said.

Kate glared at him and then exhaled out of her nose. “Because Del there has my sister.” Her fist clenched. “And I can’t do this by myself. I did some research before asking Vin for help on this and your team has a good success rate in catching criminals.”

“That may be, ma’am,” Chris said as he leafed through the folder. “But we’ll need to check your research and make sure it’s all valid.”

“It’s valid,” Kate said through gritted teeth. “I was very through.”

Chris just glared at her. “And this may be the information we’re looking for, but I will not risk my team on a suicide run just to rescue your sister.”

Kate’s blue eyes went wide.

“You’re using us and Vin for that purpose, I know that much and I know there’s something more,” Chris said. “We’ll be conducting our own surveillance to make sure everything matches up.”

“He’ll know you’re there and then he’ll kill you!” Kate spat at Chris.

“He can try,” Chris replied back. “We thank you for the information you’ve provided, Mrs. Stokes and we’ll keep on this case in a consultant position, but if you try and interfere...” Chris glared at her and there was a hint of teeth showing. “And I’ll have you up on charges of obstruction so fast and in a jail cell you’ll never see your sister again.”

Taking a step back, Kate gulped slightly. She had never felt a more alpha presence in someone other than her Grandfather.



“Good,” Chris grunted out. He then slid the folder over to Buck. “See what you can make of that and then start some surveillance. We’ll see if we can integrate someone into the group.”

Kate opened her mouth to protest but was silenced by Vin lightly pinching her arm and a quiet ‘shush’.

“Chris, I was wondering if I can bring, JD into this,” Buck asked. “Kid’s going stir crazy and needs something to do.”

Here, Chris’s eyes softened. “I’m sorry, Buck, but no. Until he gets cleared back for duty, I can’t let him work any cases. As much as I want to, the department is keeping a close eye on this, especially after the last incident.”

“I always did wonder what happened to those chickens,” Josiah pondered aloud.

The rest of the group chuckled at that, but it left Kate wondering who JD was. Her research into the group said there were seven members and only six was present.

Maybe something happened to their other member? Kate thought privately and then voiced it aloud. “Who’s JD?”

“Our wayward member of the team,” Josiah answered.

“So, why isn’t he here, helping out?” Kate asked.

“He was injured in that creature attack a couple of weeks ago and he lost someone close to him,” Nathan said bluntly.

Kate knew about that creature attack, she also had some insight that the others didn’t - it was a werewolf. In fact, she was pretty sure it was one of Del Spivak’s people; they were a pack that gave werewolves like her, a bad name. She just wasn’t sure which one it was that had attacked the couple she read about in the paper. There hadn’t been a chance to check out the attack site yet.

“Sorry for his loss then,” Kate muttered and then turned thoughtful. “Was he bit by the creature?”

“Why do you want to know that?” Nathan asked her. Mistrust across his face.

“Just curious, got attacked by some large creature once, never did figure out what it was,” Kate lied. “Had to go through a whole spectrum of antibiotics the doctor prescribed me.”

Nathan frowned but nodded. “He did get bit, but he’s doing a lot better now, physically.”

Crap, he’s infected. Kate thought furiously. This just got more complicated.

The other’s quickly descended into chatter as Vin watched Kate.

There’s somethin’ she’s not tellin’ us and hearin’ ‘bout JD getting attacked has her spooked. Vin contemplated. I’ll bring this up with Chris.

“All right people, this is going to be a large operation with numerous tasks,” Chris began. “Buck and Josiah, I want you two working surveillance as soon as the information that was given to us by Kate here, is confirmed. So that means a late night, men. Josiah, I want profiles as detailed as possible about Spivak’s crew. Nathan, I want you working with Buck and Josiah in a rotating order of who’s in the van. Draw up a schedule for everyone in pairs of two,” Then Chris looked at Vin, Kate and Ezra. “Ezra, you know the drill. Vin, you and Kate will do a little bit of scouting to make sure they’re still in the same place and I want updated maps of the land. Once that’s done, Kate, you’ll liaison between Vin and Josiah there.”

Satisfied with the roles everyone was assigned, Chris caught Vin’s nod and nodded back to the sniper. The two quickly holed up in Chris’s office as the others went to work.

“She’s hidin’ somthin’ cowboy,” Vin stated. “I just don’t know what.”

Chris nodded. “Keep a close eye on her, Vin. Once you find out what she’s hiding...”

“I’ll let you know, ASAP, Chris,” Vin promised.


Maddie eyed the newest acquisition she had acquired.

JD Dunne. ATF Agent. And the newest werewolf to her and Del’s pack.

It would take some time, but he’d come around, especially after his first full moon and he had his taste of human flesh.

Nostril’s flared as she took in the scent that entered the room. “Del.”

“Maddie,” Del replied back as he went over to the bed that JD was chained to. “So this is your newest plaything.”

It was a cabin-like setting with sparse furniture and a small kitchen. JD was chained to the bed, cross-eagled style, with padded cuffs. He had been stripped down to his underwear and the wolf bane plant chain was still around his neck, keeping him docile and quiet. Eyes wide open, glowing amber and unaware.

Huge amounts of wolfs bane were deadly to a werewolf, but in small amounts, it did little else then act as a sedative. Good for controlling new werewolves.

Del’s hand trailed over the scarred flesh of JD’s shoulder and then lifted the small leather pouch that had been placed over JD’s head.


“He has annoying ghost with him,” Maddie snorted as she toyed with her own leather pouch. “Probably that stupid bitch of a fiancée of his I killed. Figured it couldn’t hurt so he couldn’t listen to her anymore.” Her grin turned feral. “Just me.”

“Who knew that keeping salt in a pouch would keep the ghosts away.” Chuckling, Del touched his own small leather salt pouch around his neck. “What would we do without these wonderful inventions of yours?”

“Probably go insane,” Maddie chuckled and pulled Del close to her.

“Hmm,” Del hummed and soon the two were kissing.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Maddie pulled away.

“Such a frigid little ice queen,” Del all but purred at her. “Like your sister.”

“Don’t you bring my sister into this!” Maddie yelled at him.

“Temper, temper, Maddie.”

“Get out of here, Del,” Maddie growled at him. Eyes flashing amber.

Chuckling, Del left the cabin.

Making her way over, Maddie started to methodically pet JD’s hair. “Don’t worry, JD. I’ll take care of you, way better than the others,” a crazy look entered her eyes. “You won’t ever betray me.”

Humming a mindless tune, Maddie Stokes continued to pet her newest plaything.

“You’re all mine, JD, all mine.”


Part 5 // Part 7

au bingo card, character: chris larabee, character: maddie stokes, character: kate stokes, character: ezra standish, fic, tv series: magnificent seven: atf, aucb: fantasy&spn - authors choice, character: del spivak, character: original character, character: jd dunne, crossover fic, character: kirkland, character: josiah sanchez, character: vin tanner, character: casey wells, movie: an american werewolf in london/pa, character: buck wilmington, character: nathan jackson, character: garber, bigbang

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