And this is why Harry Potter parties rock my socks:
Yes, that is Ace and I, Gryffindor and Slytherin, young Sirius Black and Daphne Greengrass.
And it rocks.
And to show just how detailed these costumes are:
Lacey won best costume. BEST COSTUME! Which rocks, as I made her costume for her... was so delighted. A little jealous, obviously, since I did make the costume... and all that... but still. I intend to include that (and the article, if it gets printed, as the Nugget suggested it might) in my portfolio, to try to convince people to buy my robes.
See? My costume was just a little detailed. I had so much fun with this thing!
Clearly, we had fun:
Yay books that rock!
Boo for the ending of my childhood! Because it did, last night. I don't care how much I will still cosplay, and everything, but my childhood ended this morning at ten to seven.