Duelling Movies: Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger

Oct 07, 2011 23:53

Marvel Studios released two high-profile Avenger-based movies this year and I'm going to give a point-by-point run down on them, comparing as I go. If you've seen the odd IGN article it's a format you're probably familiar with.

Main Character

Both Cap and Thor are strong characters and both Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans played their roles admirably. Both heroes were likeable and relatable, as well as being believable action heroes. Both Chris's also captured the essence of the characters well, sticking close to the original pen and ink creations, while bringing a modern flavour to them. While personally I like Thor more as a hero, I cannot deny that Evans had the more demanding role in terms of emotional range and thus I concede this point to Cap.

Result: Captain America

Female Lead

I have to say, this is a fairly easy choice for me. Natalia Portman is a very good actress and she played the part of Jane just right, without falling into generic love interest territory, but Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter was a far stronger screen presence and much better developed character in her own right. Foster was basically just "Thor's love interest" and without that connection, her character could have easily been excised, while Carter would've been a good character in her own right.

Result: Captain America

Main Villain

I must confess this was a very tough call for me. I felt Hugo Weaving and Tom Hiddleston were both fantastic performers in their respective roles as Red Skull and Loki, and Weaving's German accent was practically orgasmic. However, as much as I loved Red Skull, Loki was definitely better thought out, with clearer motivations beyond "I'm a Nazi" as well as a much more muted and subtle performance than Weaving's somewhat hammy (though admittedly GLORIOUS) performance.

Result: Thor

Supporting Cast

This is a very tough call for me, since neither Thor nor Cap's band of merry men were especially stand out (in fact I think the Warrior's Three were definitely stronger performances than the Invaders) but this essentially comes down to Tommy Lee Jones vs. Anthony Hopkins. While Hopkins was a magnificent Odin, Tommy's acting in Cap was simply much more memorable and elevated the character beyond his standing in the film, despite being a generic general type whose name I don't even remember. Stanley Tucci and Idris Elba should also get special mention for delivering much needed pathos in their sadly brief screentime.

Result: Captain America


Not a particularly strong showing from either camp here really, so it more or less comes down to preference. Cap is a Bond-meets-Indy style adventure romp, with a character coming to terms with his newfound powers and Thor is a Lord of the Rings-meets-Star Wars style adventure romp, with a character coming to terms with his newly lost powers. Personally I have to side with Thor here (not least because it's the underdog...) since I felt the classic style of the story worked very well for the film and managed to be somewhat unique despite treading some familiar ground, whereas I think Cap's military action flick plot was rather samey, though it too was different enough to be interesting.

Result: Thor


I thought both Thor and Cap were pretty well written, but I think Cap's seemed much more natural and believable. Not really a lot to say here.

Result: Captain America


Both Thor and Cap had undeniably great moments of humour in each, but Cap's felt much less forced. With Thor, much of the comic relief seemed to be pushing it's way through the script in a way that seemed unnatural, with Darcy (Kat Dennings) being the prime culprit with incessant one-liners which, while funny, nonetheless seemed like she was a failed stand-up comic who was trying to find an outlet. Much of Thor's humour seemed to be laughing at itself too, drawing attention to the silliness. While I admit this is better than trying to play out silliness deadpan, it didn't help lessen the feeling that it was trying too hard to be funny at times.

Result: Captain America

Visual Design

Thor wins hands down here. Just look at both movies and you'll see why. The realm of Asgard has a wonderful futuristic Middle-Earth look to it and the frost giants are all fantastically rendered as imposing foes. Cap, on the other hand, has some a well designed hero and villain and some rather b-movie looking grunts. While they did grow on me, the Hydra forces still looked like Power Ranger bad guys to me. The effects in Thor was also better, and the Frost Giants were all rendered in a way that didn't look preposterous, with soe very nice prosthetic makeup being applied.

Result: Thor

Action Sequences

Thor and Cap had a smattering of action scenes each and both had some great moments, but Cap is the winner here for at least giving the action scenes the time they deserve. The only one in Thor which really hit the spot was the battle against the frost giants that happens about 20 minutes in. Cap has several good sequences and a much more epic finale, however both suffer from a saddening trend in Marvel Studio movies: a wimpy final fight with the villain. The only MS movie to really satisfy in this area so far is The Incredible Hulk. Iron Man 1 and 2's fights were both all too brief (though IM2 gets off more lightly because it had the amazing Hammer drone attack immediately prior); Thor's was over far too quickly (though perhaps that was because they're saving the main Loki fighting course for Avengers) and Cap's just wasn't very good. Both were perfectly servicable, but nothing really spectacular barring a few moments. Cap still wins, but I felt it pertinent to point out this trend in the vain hope Marvel is reading this.

Result: Captain America


I don't really feel it fair to comment since I just watched Thor on DVD and I can't remember Cap's soundtrack too well, but I do remember noticing it was by Alan Silvestri so I made note to pay attention, but I subsequently remember not being all that impressed by it. Thor wins here because I really dug the epic sound of it and it fit the movie perfectly.

Result: Thor


Thor: 4
Captain America: 6

Cap and Thor were both really entertaining films and you should definitely try and see both, especially if you're comic book fans, but Cap is the winner her, though it was still quite close in the end.

marvel, captain america, movies, thor

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