shitty weekend - this is super filtered

May 21, 2007 07:10

the weekend sucked. i droved down to heidi's house. i was already in a bad mood and cried over mom on the drive down. heidi was a mess due to personal stuff and the kids were 'tough' behavorial wise all weekend. we stayed over night in a hotel and returned to heidi's on sunday.

i was super iffy about driving to hudson to see CP. i cried a lot on the drive from noho to heidi's house. i decided against going to the show and got home about 4:00. i went to bed at 4:30pm. woke up at 6:00am to go to work.

i'm still super weepy and very very upset. heidi barked, snapped and yelled at the kids all weekend. it was terrible and brought me back to my childhood where i felt so helpless. i'm remembering incidents where my parents screamed at me for no reason.

for the most part (to me anyway) the kids were just being kids. they were very animated, super excited, and playful. everytime they got going, heidi would yell at them. i just wanted out of there.

p.s. sorry i didn't call you back, lynn. when you told me that you guys had plans for dinner and hadn't included me in the intial invite i lost it. that kind of thing doesn't really bother me, but it was the final trigger. i cried and cried for the hour i was at heidi's, before leaving to go home. i guess it was bad timing all around.

mom, ehidi, cp

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