
Feb 06, 2005 20:47

I'm going to Greece. Fucking Greece. Earlier in the year Ms. Hall (our crazy NHS sponsor) approached a few of the girls about this idea. Andrea put my name in because she knew I'd be interested. We made our first $90 co payment in December and our second $400.00 payment the other day so it's finalized now. (I still have a heck load on money to pay but it's for sure) It's Katie W, Kelley, Andrea, Christina, Caroline, Amy S, Anna, Jenny, me, and Ms. Hall. (As an NHS sponsor, she sucks. But, as a person, I like her very much)

We depart June 9th for Athens and come back the 21st for Houston. How freaking awesome!? We'll all (most of us anyway) be 18. And the ones that don't, it doesn't matter anyway. (Our soccer coach this year is from Greece. He said he and his friends went to clubs and drank since they began high school) And you know what that means... plenty of drinky drinky in Greecy! Ms. Hall brought that one up, not us.... even though it was on our minds. Everyday since this semester began, what keeps me going through school is college and Greece.

Here's the itinerary:
DAY1: flight
DAY2:discover Athens
DAY3:more Athens (it is the capital... there's a shitload to do)
DAY4:sightseeing of Delphi
DAY5-8: a cruise. a fucking cruise of the islands of Greece
DAY9:Cape Sounion
DAY10: sightseeing in Epidaurus, Mycenae and transfer to Tolo
DAY11: Pilos
DAY12:sightseeing of Olympia
DAY13:return home
(Everyday around 5 or 6pm the day ends so you have time to go out by yourself)

I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky I have parents that will pay for this. (However, I do have to make up half the pay with my summer job) I've always wanted to see the Mediterranean. The first place out of the US I ever wanted to visit was England, and I was fortunate enough to do that. And now I get to go to Greece. I can die happy.


Oh yeah.... Go Philly. Who you rooting for?
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