Fic: Scarring

Apr 18, 2011 16:44

Title: Scarring
Author: sparkyqueen
Fandom: FMA
Characters/Pairing: Roy Mustang/Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric
Word Count: 804
Rating: NC17
Summary: Nobody likes the idea of their siblings having sex. How much worse would it be if they were in the same room....

Or how Ed and Roy ruined kittens for the rest of Al's hopefully short life.....

It’s times like these Al really wished he didn’t have to share a room with his brother... and his boyfriend.

“Bastard. No, we’ll... mmph, wake Al.” Ed’s muffled whisper reached his ears.

“Not if we’re quiet.”

There was the sound of shifting material. A harsh intake of breath and a loan moan. Al curled further in on himself, hands coming up to cover his ears, and started to think about anything other than what was happening only three feet away.
More sounds of shifting bed linen and squeaking bed springs filtered through Al’s hands, along with unsteady breathing and whispers.
“Seriously... mmm.... we shouldn’t. Ah, yeah... Al’s not exactly a heavy sleeper mmph.”

“Shh, you’ll wake Al.” There was a low chuckle followed by a choked off cry. Al was sorely tempted to roll over and tell them to save it for a time when there’s no danger of scarring him for the rest of his life, but held his tong when he heard a sob of pleasure, that had to have come from his brother mixed with a low noise that can only be described as a cross between a possessive growl and a purr. And that’s when Al realised exactly how far his brother and Mustang were going and tried desperately to ignore it and think of something that didn’t involve his brother, Mustang and sex.

‘KITTENS! Yes kittens! They’re adorable and innocent and soft and chase feathers attached to strings and make cute noises and purr and growl and OH GOD! MUSTANG PURRES WHEN HE’S WITH MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!! I’M NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO LOOK AT A KITTEN THE SAME WAY AGAIN!!!’


Ed let out a whimper when Roy finally pulled his fingers out and replaced them moments later with his cock. Pain laced pleasure washed over him. He curled his left hand in Roy’s hair, his grip so tight it probably hurt, and brought his lover’s lips to brush against his. Not quite kissing him, for that would hinder breathing, but needing the contact to ground him.

Roy had one hand wrapped firmly around Ed’s hip, lifting his ass up for a better angle, and the other hand skimming over toned abs. He delighted in the way the muscles spasm under his touch.

The couple stilled when Roy fully seated himself in Ed, allowing them both time to adjust. Roy started when he felt cold metal pushing on his ass, causing Ed to let out a cry of pleasure and to tense around him. Roy practically purred at this.

He began to pull out slowly, only about an inch, and then thrust back in. Then out a little further, and in with more force and brushing Ed’s prostate this time, judging by the way the boy arched his back up into Roy, mouth open in a silent scream, and basically turned to jelly in Roy’s hands.

Roy chuckled darkly in Ed’s ear, “Like that, Fullmetal?”

“Shut it, bastard and do it again.” Ed growled back, shifting his hips up against the other man and clenching on purpose, smirking when Mustang groaned and let his head drop so it was resting next to his, panting jaggedly.

That was when they heard a whimper from across the room.

Mustang’s head snapped up and looked at Ed. They then turned their heads in sync to see Al curled up on himself, hands covering his ears, rocking back and forth, and possibly muttering about ruining kittens for him for life.

They turned back to each other, black faced. Then Mustang cracked a grin, “Looks like we woke Al.”

Ladies and Gentlemen and variations there upon, please quiet down and lend me your ears:
OK so, yeah... not what I thought I was writing, but it was 3am and I wasn’t sleeping and my mind may or may not have been in a Royed gutter somewhere, when I thought how scarring listening to a sibling going at it could be and hence this was born.
I take full responsibility for this and I’m not sorry for it. It’s unbeta’d and probably going to stay that way.
(and now for something I hate seeing in other people’s ANs, an update on other stories)
For those who author alerted me for my scifi roots, fear not I shall return to them shortly. 
As for New Life, I know where I want to take it, I’ve even got the last chapter written, I just don’t know how to write the chapter between the one that’s already out and that one. So hang in there I’m working on it, I promise.
Ok, enough ramblings from a slightly sleep deprived idiot, I bid you goodnight.

royed, fic:fma, edward elric, roy mustang, alphonse elric

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