Homoriffic Fun

Apr 28, 2005 17:56

So yesterday was Diversity Day/Strawberry Fest. I was all dolled up for the event because we had a drag themed information table. We were giving drag makeovers and giving out Stop Homophobia T-Shirts.

I was the flyest drag bitch there. haha I won the Drag Beauty pageant!!! lol It wasn't very fair since I was the only one with a real nice wig, clothes and make-up. This was all of my own shit, well my cousins' anyway. And our club budget can't afford buying all that stuff for other people to wear. It was hella fun though. I wish Rob had done it though. I want to compete against him well him as Bianca. I would so lose with my 25 dollar wig from E-bay to his I won't even mention how expensive it is but it has real and synthetic hair combined. He'll be way more divafied.

I did it all for Cam though. haha She's been wanting me since she saw me in drag last semester. She was molesting me the whole time I was in drag. And even after. I even got Shawn questioning his sexuality. He was like, "If you were a girl I'd fuck you." Aww, does it take me switching genders to do so? lol It's all in good fun. Everyone thought I was hot and some straight boys even wanted to take pictures with me and all commenting how hot I was. It was a very good event to partake in for our club. Homophobia does need to stop. I wasn't harassed or anything yesterday, fortunately. However I was kind of disheartened from being unfriended in facebook. One of my straight friends and lab partner from Highschool Physics class friended me on face book the other day and I'm assuming after reading my profile unfriended me. I guess some people just can't handle the gayness. whatever.

Siv owes me a dinner for winning the pagaent. She said she'd treat the winner to a free dinner. I want Red Lobster possibly. hehe It's her B-day when the clock strikes 12 tonight. The big 21 also. She has to get drunk!! I still need to get her a balloon and card. Will do so later. If they go out tonight I so want to go but ugh I forgot that I still needed to study for a fucking Geology test. And I have the Meeting tonight which will cut into some study time. Ugh I hate procrastination. Anyway I'mma go now because there's lots to do today.
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