The Re-Corruption

Apr 22, 2005 11:29

The first half of this week was absolutely miserable. I spent those nights fucking writing two essays that were due this week. The worst part is I was assigned the work like a month ago and I was doing them the night before. Needless to say, I got them done on time but I'm pretty sure they turned out so shitty. :sigh: Don't procrastinate kiddies, it's so much stress.

I have been truly recorrupted and I need to stop, seriously. I can't be missing class and be doing assignment last minute and shit. Anyway I just woke up from an emotional dream and I slept though class again. It was one of those drunk/high dreams. You probably can guess what I did last night. I smoked up and had 2 shots of Bacardi rasberry rum and 1 shot of cruzan raspberry rum over at some guy's west apartment suite wuth some friends. I wasn't planning on drinking but these people wanted to get rid of their liquor-hol as Cam calls it. So we went over and help drink some. Free liquor, don't mind if I do. She was so fucked up last night and she was just saying and doing the most hilarious things. We ended up watching her play Bubble Bobble at the end of the night. I held my own with the 3 shots. I didn't get fucked up at all. I left early well not really, early as in 4:30 am in the morning. I wanted to get some sleep so I can make my 10:50 but like I said I slept through it. I tried. My J-Lo's "Get Right" ring tone didn't get my ass up maybe I need to switch it back to Christina's "Get Mine, Get Yours" which I usually wake up to. But anyway, that's when I had my emotional dream.

Don't you hate those emotional dreams where you have like this huge argument with someone like a friend or family member? You just get so heated up and emotional by the end of the dream and you're practically crying when you wake up. You have all this emotional shit going and then you wake up and you're like fuck it was a dream. Which is a good thing because the fight or incident never happened. But then again if the incident wasn't dealt with by the end of the dream you feel all unsettled because you didn't get to say all the things you were just fired up to say. And you kind of feel bad afterwards for thinking those things when you realize it was just a dream. So yeah I had one of those and there's no need to talk about it since it did not happen. Thankfully it was only a dream. But damn I thought you can't dream when you're intoxicated. Isn't it suppose to affect your REM sleep and cause you not to have any REM sleep? Well whatever, maybe it was only a small amount of liquor-hol. whatever

I'm suppose to be going home today and now I have to decide whether I want catch the 2, 4, or 6 o'clock trains. I need to pack still and I'm so fucking tired. My parents are coming home from Italy this weekend. They went to Italy aweek ago for their 30th Anniversary honeymoon thing. Awww that's sweet I'm happy for them and I love them. They kind of made it like a lil' family vacation as well rather than a honeymoon because my two tita's went and so did Liz and TC. I so wanted to go but classes and all. oh well. I'm trying to take advantage of having the house to myself this weekend. I think Danny or Bri might stay over if they want to. I gotta get them out before Sunday afternoon or before my rents come. lol Then also I'm pretty sure some of us will go out to a club on Sat. Jordan has been aching to go for a while now. I could care less for dancing these days but I'll go to chill. I think I've hung up my dancing shoes for now. I need to be motivated to dance again. Anyway I really need to get my shit together and pack up and finally decided when I'm going to leave.
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