I am so not gay!

Apr 06, 2005 18:56

Who the fuck am I kidding? lol

Here's a fact, 52 out of 59 people consider me gay.

We had the Guess The Straight Person Panel today which had a fucking awesome turn out! So many people came compared to what we thought we'd bring in. I think like 90 people tops came. I was on the panel myself and basically people had to guess whether we were gay or not based on questions they would ask to the participants on the panel. I know I'm pretty obvious so I expected people to peg me as the gay guy right off the bat. C'mon 52 out 59 votes? People were definitely like he's gay fo sho. haha So gay. And of the 7 naive people who didn't, 6 thought I was Bisexual and 1 person thought I was Straight! I at least fooled a few people. haha But you are who you are no matter what stereotype or label you happen to fall into.
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