High Parallels

Apr 02, 2005 12:25

Crazy night Thursday. Charlie, Siv, Matt and their friend Walter were there along with the usual peeps. We waited forever for those drinks. I was craving my smornoffs. lol It was fun times as usual. I got so fucking drunk that I had to pray to the porcelain gods for my 4th time ever that night. I also think I got recorrupted, I haven't smoked up like this in forever. I usually become really paranoid, self conscious and just in my own little world but not really this time. I fell asleep/passed out in Bri's room. I think that's the first time I slept in someone else room for the night since I been here. I vaguely remember some semi-cuddling like we all fucking decided to sleep over so it got really cozy in there.

In the morning we were whittled down to just 5 me, Bri, Cam, Shawn and Vince. And what a way to start a day, wake and bake as Cam called it. We decided to go see a movie all high. First, we ate at BK before Vince fucking made us trek to the movie theater from South Parking Lot. We were fucking zombies the whole way to the theatre. Smoked up again behind the theatre. Crazyness. We made out way to the theatre finally where we watched Sin City.

I have to say, Sin City was fucking hot. I loved how the movie was a mix of like noir-ish and comic book type settings. The cinematography was just nicccce it definitely captured that mix. Amazing. They had a hot cast as well from Jessica Alba and Rosario Dawson to Bruce Willis and Clive Owen. I loved all the ladies they picked like Brittany Murphy, Jaime King and Alexis Bledel. That's a hot set of girls. I was so entranced with Alexis Bledel's eyes in the movie. She has piercing blue eyes and was really pretty in that movie. I also found Jessica Alba very hot, wo. One scene I almost got turned on. Am I straight? haha I thought Clive Owen was sexier in this movie than he was in closer. Elijah's character was freaky. At first I thought he was the Harry Potter kid all grown up now. That movie got a bit graphic and gory for me. I got squeamish a few times. Also why were some things in color? Was there any significance in that? I really liked it though. I have to see it again some time with somebody because me and Cam missed the beginning when we went to buy smoothies. She needs to see it again because she slept through most of it. She was so fried. haha

Afterwards we went to pick up the bus at the mall. We so need to thank Vince for paying for our tickets and fare and pay him back most of all. He's awesome! We split up with Vince there because he had to take a different bus home. So then there was four. Our fat asses went to eat at BK again. Afterwards I split with them to go back to my place and shower. Plans to do it all over again Friday night were in the works. lol

We sorta did, it was more subdued because we didn't have that much alcohol or Vince's supply. It was still fucking crazy. Marta got off from Danny. lol Everyone was trying to molest Cam as well. Almost slept over Bri's again but I had to go back to my room and plus I wasn't as wasted since I only had one beer.

So about Parallels hence the title, Friday morning before the theatre when we all woke up Shawn and Bri pointed out parallel lines on my clothes and Bri made a comment or asked if I live in a parallel world or some shit like that. They were fucking high. haha So in my highness, it got me thinking about parallels and how this situation parallels those that I experienced in Buffalo circa a year and a half ago. Like certain people, and certain situations being somewhat similar or too similar. It's not exactly the same but pretty similar like a parallel universe. haha Maybe I'm just being crazy and high. It is still very different. I don't think I want to puff as much anymore because I was feeling paranoid and self conscious again when I did it Friday.
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