life's great mystery

Feb 05, 2007 13:35

So yeah, life lately has been pretty crazy around here. Lately I have been really restless in my main job @ the insurance company. I'm not happy here, I mean my boss is really nice as is the girl I work with, but me in the office thing, typing at a computer for a subject I don't care about at all is getting to me. Lately I've been wanting to get out of Northern Cali and head south to LA. I want to work at a record label (specifically Ironworks). I really don't care what I start out doing, although my longterm goal is something along the lines of A&R or marketing. I know it seems like a far fetched idea, but there seem to be too many coincidences/ opportunities all at once pushing me to this to seem like it's just an idea and not (I hate to use the term) but what maybe I'm destined to do.

I recently came across this label reading an interview of Kiefer Sutherland (who heads up the label with Jude Cole) talking about this new band he signed, Rocco Deluca and the Burden. Their music is amazing. I really could go on about them, but another post for another day. Anyway, I digress, I came about this company, not knowing anyone affiliated with this company. Through myspace, I have been in contact with the guy who discovered Rocco, as well as a girl who runs the website/message boards/among other things. I'm actually currently trying to get involved in maybe heading up/or at least helping with their street team, anything to get acquainted with people involved with the company/band.

At the same time all this was going on, I happened to become acquainted with a guy I met at starbucks who is currently in the army guard. He's in a medical unit, which is what I'm interested in. And after talking to him/ the recruiter, I've found out they have some really great benefits. The two units in california happen to be in northern california near me, and (get this) in LA. Not only do you get paid to do the 1 weekend a month/2 week a year thing, they help you pay for housing, pay for school, even pay off existing school loans. Those things right there are some of the main things holding me back right now from doing what I want. I want to finish school, but the classes I would need to take are during the day and I can't really afford to pay for school, plus my bills without working full time. The guard would help solve some of those obstacles. They'd pay for school, while paying me to train with them in a field I love. In order to POSSIBLY (I reiterate possibly) be an intern/gopher/whatever job at the label, I'd have to move to LA (not that I mind) and I'd have rent bills, but again, guard would help with that. I don't have any grandiose ideas that I'll become rich/famous and partying with the stars or anything like that. I'd just like to get a job where I'm excited to go to work in the morning.

It just seems like there are too many things coming together pointing me down this path for me to ignore and stay in my "safe" boring job. Yeah I can pay the bills, but I'm not really happy with where I am right now. And I know there's no guarantee I'd get hired at the label, but I figure if I get my degree completed, there's still no downside because I'd get a break from life here, and be able to finish school.

I'm torn because I'm not satisfied where my life is, but at the same time I feel obligated to stay and help my dad out, with my "safe" job and "safe" life. But as my sister/friends/general acquaintences keep telling me, I need to live my life for me, and not regret down the road what might have been. And as if I really needed another "plus" to this whole situation, the med unit up here is going to be going to Egypt in August to train. I'd be getting an all expense paid trip, plus getting paid to go there. Add into that the $10,000 bonus you get after finishing basic (approx $7500 after taxes) not too bad of an incentive. (you get the other $7500 after 3 years). And the 6 year enlistment actually ends up being about 300 days of actual training, with job opportunities while being reserves....where is the downside I"m expecting???
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