Thank Buddha we have a week off. I'm so tired! Not, of course, that it will be an easy week, since we have three million essays.
Okay, so maybe only three. But the point still stands.
My driving lesson was good today. We've completed all the maneuveurs, and the only one I have problems with is left reverse. I need to practice that more, and I'm not all that confident with turn-in-the-road either. But still, today was good. XD
Mum and Dad have gone to get the car. I may still have to use the
little black one at first (which reeks of petrol. Much airing out and prettifying is needed on that one) because I may pass my test before Dad gets his qualification, so he'll use the Punto. But still, YAY CAR.. Will take pictures of it later.
People, please post your favourite name for a car! I need to name it. The little one is called Tim, but the Punto needs a new one (I'm leaning towards Gareth, but I'm not sure it suits it...)
I bought O by Damien Rice today. I love acoustic albums. And it was cheap :D
I did have a rant all ready about the complete selfishness of my (step) grandad, but I'll spare you right now :)
Q.I. is on tonight. Whoo! Reedy and Sam and Googles are going away this week :( Will miss them, as it will be quiet. But me and Laura are having a sleepover on Wednesday hopefully-- whee!
Anyway, got to go pick Hope up from school. Bye!
Fran xxx