Edward is a vampire. This means (according to his canon) that he is superhumanly strong, fast, agile, indestructible, beautiful and sexy. Seriously. People who become vampires in this 'verse automatically become more beautiful than any human could be and their voice and scent become super-seductive in order to attract prey.
Edward is also, to borrow a phrase, nigh-invulnerable. He's essentially made of living rock. (Marble, not, like, sandstone or something.) His skin is cold and hard to the touch, so he'll avoid making skin-to-skin contact lest he give himself away.
He lives off of blood. But fear not, puny mortals! He's a vegetarian vampire who only eats animals. (His favorite is mountain lion.) Though if it's been a while since he's fed, y'all will start looking mighty tasty. So he'll be off every couple of weeks to hunt and feed so there won't be any chowing down on students. He can consume human food but prefers not to, since he'd have to cough it up to get rid of it.
Canon doesn't mention what effect holy water would have on him. Personally, I think it should turn to glitter when it touches his skin. But if you want to use holy water or anything else from another canon, talk to me and we can try to figure out how it'd work. Magical weapons (like the Colt) should have no trouble damaging him.
He will try to keep his vampire nature secret. In his old town, people just thought the Cullens were pale and pretty and a little weird. Here I think it's likely that someone will pick up on him not being human. That's fine. I'd rather your character not assume "vampire" unless they've witnessed something to give them that idea. Talk to me if you want to. I'm fine with him being exposed but I'd like to have some say in when/how it happens.
Yes, he does sparkle. But only in direct sunlight. He'll only go out and about on overcast days and he'll be in a jacket and hood in case of sudden sunlight. At some point I will have to have his sparkly nature found out, but I'll save it for a special occasion.
Edward's Telepathy
Vampires in this 'verse often have individual supernatural gifts above and beyond the ones listed above. Edward's gift is telepathy. He can read minds; thoughts and images, mainly. He can't put anything into anyone else's mind. He's just a receiver, not a projector.
- If you're in a thread with Edward or in his class and you have your character's thoughts in the narrative, Edward may pick up on them. You're welcome to ping me OOC if you have something you don't want him to miss or if there's something he shouldn't hear.
- If your character is in a room/area with Edward and I spot something in your narrative that might be interesting for Edward to overhear, I will contact you OOC and find out if that would be all right. (Sometimes the best RP comes from spontaneity.) It's fine if you say no; I don't need a reason and I won't be offended.
- If for some reason your character could NEVER be overheard, please let me know. Drop a comment here or contact me OOC otherwise. That way I won't bother you about it.
Generally, though, he's going to tune out the thoughts of those around him.
Questions? Comments? Anything I missed?
ETA: He's pre-canon so he has not yet met the marvelous Bella Swan.