Oct 24, 2011 23:01
It's nearing the end of October and what has happened since I last updated my poor little neglected, rather childish looking blog? Well, my lovely husband and I have come back from our honeymoon in Thailand (it was very hot, in case you were wondering) and we have properly moved in with my parents.
Matt's started his Masters at Bath Uni and he's enjoying it and starting to get really stuck in. I'm job hunting. So far I've done one day of catering work (off the record, shh) and I spent last week temping for a company called Freesource. It was ok, most of the week was frigging boring (data entry - seriously, I'm not a kid, I shouldn't have to do that kind of mind numbing crap anymore) but Friday I was on reception answering the phone so that was a bit more bearable. I also had an interview for a Production Exec. role last Thursday; it was through an agency, I was told today on the phone that they don't want to see me again for a second interview. Ho-hum, I thought as much. To be perfectly honest the job sounded a bit dull and very pressured, though the money was good and it was in central Bath. So my quest continues. The Great Job Hunt 2011 is well and truly underway.
I feel the urge to overhaul my lj; times have changed, life is changing and I'm not a child anymore, I wouldn't quite say it's "time to put away childish things" I don't think I'd ever be that sort of person, but this journal feels a little childish, as if in the last few years I have outgrown it, or at least it as it is in its current state. I need it to grow with me, and I think that definitely means a new layout and a clear out of the rubbish on my info page.
I think that's for tomorrow anyway, right now I need to get to bed and give my boy some much deserved attention.