I'm twenty-five years, one hour, and thirty-one minutes old. Somehow it doesn't feel any different than twenty-four. Oh, well. Not like I was expecting a parade or anything.
I saw The Dark Knight again with
fiareynne, via a free birthday movie ticket. She managed to time it so every time she cackled with glee at another of the Joker's antics, it was during a scene where the music cut out so her laughter echoed through the theater. *facepalm* Nice timing, Fia. Afterwards, she elbowed me out of the way at Gifford's -- Maine's best ice cream parlor -- and forced me to let her buy my black raspberry in a waffle cone for me. Such a hardship, let me tell y'all.
She dropped me off at home, and then my younger sister took me out to dinner, which was nice. She ended up just paying for my freckled lemonade at Red Robin, because I had a free birthday burger. And then asked me if I was a lesbian. :| I was like, "Jesus, a gal can't be socially awkward and oblivious to guys wanting to date her without being pegged as a lesbian by her sister?" Oh well. Not like she asked me if I ate babies or something. [They're totally delicious with a light mustard glaze.]
Got some fabulous orange pants from my mom, along with a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in German. That's my second-favorite in the series -- Goblet of Fire is teh bestest! -- so that's cool. And dammit, I guess I'm going to the boring family reunion I complain about every year, because one of my cousins wished me a happy birthday on Facebook and finished with, "I'm looking forward to seeing you next week!" Crap.
Anyway, I made it to a quarter of a century. Here's hoping for about two and a half more quarters as decent as this one has been.