I want my old, old username back, you guys. I totally miss wherethewind__.
... for those of you who don't know how wherethewind__ became
sockherder, let me give you a
rundown of my former LJ usernames.
In 2001, at the urging of
fiareynne, I got myself an LJ and called it songstress_magz, because at the time I was an unoriginal music geek. [This would occur again.] And then for some inexplicable reason, I gave LJ $15 to rename my journal o0_magz, which lasted, oh... six months. And because that username was just, well -- it made me permanently surprised, and who wants that? -- I became wherethewind__, which is the most awesome username I've ever come up with, for serious. But then there were stalkers and there was other drama, and I had to abandon that journal. It was terribly sad.
So I became quackaddict, because ducks are awesome. The username I'd really wanted, csharpminor, was taken, so when I started to itch for a new username again, I changed it to an interval that doesn't exist in modern music theory: minorfourth. That lasted a few months, and then I was
dorkdance. And then in July of 2007, I stomped off in a huff and abandoned that LJ due to rage about LJ's new policies, as well as their maintenance of tolerant policies toward pro-ana communities. It's a bit of a touchy subject for me, because I was anorexic when I was 11 and nearly died.
That lasted six months, and then I got bored. So I figured, hey -- clean slate. Which is how, in January of 2008, I became sockherder. Why? Because I love socks. But none of these usernames are as awesome as the one I abandoned because of stalkers -- wherethewind__. I wants it back. :(
Sometime today I have to write an essay about the reason society has switched from the mindset of one attuned with the earth goddess to one in sync with the sun god. I know, right? My classics professor is a total hippie.
I'm pretending I've lost my cell phone, because for the past three days my mom has called me about this, that, and the other thing so many times that it's become pestering. As far as she knows, it's not in my pocket -- it's stuck between the couch cushions in a friend's suite.