
Aug 26, 2007 20:09

I honestly dont have anything to write about. I dont have anything to say. Except that I am mostly lonely and bored. And my roomie is full of racism and hypocracy. And I really want to go somewhere. And like, talk to people, and like, see and do things. I dont like being holed up in my room with my racist roomie and her friend.

My hair is getting longer and soon i can cut some of the awfulness off. And I spent 80 dollars on clothes this weekend that were worth 180 dollars. So I win. :)

I am having trouble keeping up with people.

And for god's sakes, i am tired of men taking their relationship problems out on me because I will not date them. I am fucking sick of it. Find someone else to play mind games with. I dont feel bad. I am not attracted to you and I will not date you because of that. I dont owe you anything. There is nothing you can do to make me feel bad for not dating you. Stop being friends with me. See if I care. Cry. Curse Brandon, curse Curtis. Curse all of my friends. They wont care about your jealousy either. Feel free to let me know how miserable you are being single. If I am not dating you, it means you have some issues I dont want to deal with. I shouldnt have to. If at any moment in the past month you have referred to yourself as pathetic, desperate, or hopeless, I dont want to date you. The end.

In my point of view, my need for sanity trumps yours. My desire for peace and happiness trumps yours. Get over it and have some consideration for me and my needs. If you cant do that, stop calling yourself my friend. You arent.

Tomorrow I need to pick up two birthday cards. September 1 and 2 are Leslie and Brian's birthdays. Its important that I do something for them because they are good friends. I swear, my best friends are Leslie, Brian, Brandon, and Fox. I mean, I dont *talk* to them that often and I dont spend a lot of time with them, but they are really the most considerate and loyal people I know of. I really admire their geniality. The have a lot of useful advice, too. And they are stable friends. And stability is important. None of them have ever been petty or manipulative to me. Im so grateful for people who are good at being friends.
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