Its really true. It makes me so sad, but it is true. I love Garth Brooks.

Aug 19, 2007 14:50

Garth Brooks: The Dance

Looking back
on the memory of
The dance we shared
beneath the stars above:
For a moment,
all the world was right.
How could I have known
that you'd ever say goodbye?

And now,
I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end;
the way it all would go.
Our lives
are better left to chance.
I could have missed the pain,
But I'd of had to miss
the dance.

Holding you,
I held everything.
For a moment,
wasn't I the king?
But if I'd only known
how the king would fall...
Hey who's to say--
you know I might have changed it all.

And now,
I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end;
the way it all would go.
Our lives
are better left to chance.
I could have missed the pain,
But I'd of had to miss
the dance.

Yes, my life
is better left to chance.
I could have missed the pain,
but I'd of had to miss

blogging because thats what i do when i am bored.
I am kind of happy to be taking precalculus. I am kind of happy to be taking poetry. Oh noetry. I am glad to be doing things other than psychology. I am glad to be practicing my skills and getting better at things i want to be good at. I wish i could paint. That one is hard to improve.

I tried on a skirt today that didnt fit me in the spring. It fits me now better than it ever did. Which means I am in better shape now than I have ever been in. For lunch I managed to get some mcdonalds. I started coughing and gagging because of all the grease in the food getting into my lungs. I really cant eat that kind of food anymore. it is killing me. *maybe* a grilled sandwich. But thats about it. no more fried crap. See, its still in my trachea/lungs. Its awful and getting worse. I think that all started several years ago.

So I dont have a terrible infection like i was afraid of. I really am glad I dont have to go to a clinic. I think my body was just sore and my muscles were swollen.

I am going to a concert tonight with some guy. Maybe probably. I dunno how that is going to turn out. I am not a big noise person, but I did like seeing high and mighty color with alicia at shiokaze con years back. ;)

Who'd have thought that Id turn out this way? Surely not the people who knew me ten years ago. Who'd have thought that the Red Hot Chili Pepper would turn out this way? Surely not the people who liked them twenty years ago. Man. I just compared myself to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. My band is still Three Doors Down. Sorry Guys.

I want to avoid talking about the beast i share a room with.

I always find I miss Brandon. I find that I cant stand when people make me feel guilty for not being attracted to them. Its their own fault. I give you advice, but you dont take it. I tell you what is going on with you, but you refuse to listen. And you try to make me feel guilty for missing other people and wanting to be with them instead of you. I hate people who are depressed AND stupid. I miss Curtis too, I have more respect for him than this person. So yeah I kind of miss my friends. All of 'em. Dunno about Alicia though. I think she is crazy and has disowned me.

I had a dream that I was in love with Jason from work and I was going into weird trances and stuff trying to magically get with him. It was weird. Jason is one of those really mysterious magnetic people who dont want anything to do with you in that way because they are secretly gay. I think. I dunno he really comes off as gay to me in that I pretend to be interested in women but im really completely disinterested way. Gay guys are so hot though. I guess I am a fag hag. There is something cute and childlike and sexually playful about them that I want to be around. I love perez hilton. Straight guys are so... intense and serious sexually. I cant say I am much of a fan.

On that note I want to PLAY with someone. Just anyone. Playing. Something. Exploring, visiting, just being kids in a big grownup world. And being interested and having fun and not thinking at all about ourselves or about worries and crappy grown up things. Dont you ever want to do that? Just stop worrying about things. Let life be fun for you. It can be if you play with it.

Im never going to grow up. I dont have to. Neither do you. :)

I miss Kroger. I miss hanging out at the door and being bored and working and pushing carts and doing work. And bothering people. :)

I love life today. I love myself. I love everything but my roomate and the things people worry about.

I love Jesus. I added him on myspace. I think i would have been a disciple if i had been around at the time. I would have really tried hard. I shoudl make my own religion and put it down in a book and leave it to the world when I die as my legacy.

I really hate shaving. I am sure you feel the same way. it is so tedious. I want some Nair, baby.
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