(no subject)

Apr 21, 2011 21:49

Ladies' and gentlemen, please be welcome to the season's first, the season's finest, and the season's greatly awaited...

All the proceedings will be going to animal rescue or welfare-oriented charities, to the City Zoo, or to natural resorts. Please give it your best!

[ ORGANIZATION: hokay, so this is how this works:
  • I've put a comment with a... Tamaki-esque description of the item / service offered by characters in the auction prep post
  • everyone can bid however much they want [ here is the City money guide again ], and the player of the character offering the item or service can say when someone has won the token and the item is no longer up for auction. If there is no bid, we'll just say an NPC got really lucky!
  • please let me know when an item has been auctioned by putting down a comment to the thread titled, "AUCTIONED," or some such! It'd really help if you could add in the sum for which it was auctioned, too!
  • if you want your character to donate something and didn't sign up on the prep post, just comment to this entry with a description of what your character is offering + an opening bid, and it'll be up of the auction anyway; I'll link it up here!
  • please threadjack as much as inhumanly possible, have fun, treat it lightly, make new CR, etc ;;
    Euphemia » party-planning | Peeta » cakes | Aska » drawing to life | Stephen » vegetarian dinner | Claire » pastries
    Sora » errand boy | Merryweather » toys & accessories | Sebastian » sweets | Amaterasu » guard
    Cinna » makeover | Jet & Zuko » twin butlers | Iroh » hosting & stories | Cain » afternoon tea
    Ken » combat lessons | Finnick » date | Allen » assistant for a week | Angela » oil painting
    Huey » martial arts / meditation lessons | Castiel » a date | Ryan » handy work! ]
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