Post DM/National Championship Update

Apr 05, 2006 11:00

I've been so busy over the last few days that I haven't really had time to even breathe.

Dance Marathon was amazing. We were able to raise over 339,000 dollars for Children's Miracle Network. It was amazing to be a four year dancer, because we got treated like damn royalty. We got a special catered dinner from Pita Pit/Olive Garden, and also at sometime around 1 PM on Saturday we all got called up and we got professional massages. It was absolutely amazing. I felt like I could go another 32 hours afterwards. It was the perfect last Dance Marathon. Phi Sigma Pi and Pi Beta Phi came in second place in Spirit, and third place in Fundraising in the blue category. It was amazing. The line dance was so much fun, mostly because it had lots of 80s songs in it. And also, I got to hang out a lot with all the other four year dancers, who made the event so much fun. But the best part was that Christie came down from Nashville. Always good to see her.

I've been trying to play catch up in school. My teacher has given me an extention on my paper, which I thought was really nice of him, because I totally don't deserve one.

Winning the national basketball championship was absolutely amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Rioting in the streets, everyone honking their horns, getting out of their cars at stoplights and doing the Gator Chomp. It was unbelievable. I'm so glad that I got to experience a national championship during my time at UF.

The other big news right now is that I'm applying for the position of Regional Consultant of Phi Sigma Pi. I'm super excited about it, because I cannot think of a more perfect job for me. Getting paid to travel and do Phi Sigma Pi stuff for a year? Yes, please!!! I had my interview with Hoyt yesterday, and it went so well that I was asked back for a second interview. I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but the more I think about it, the more I really want to do it. My dad however, is not happy. He seems to think that I'm "quitting school" for a year to do this. I just really hate that he can't be supportive of something I'm so passionate about. My dad is one of those people who makes me feel like crap, in order to make me try harder or whatever. But honestly, it just makes me feel like crap. If I get into grad school, and I also get offered this job, I'm taking the job. It's an opportunity that I just can't pass up. It's the perfect time to do it, before I get into grad school. He got really pissed, and said that if I'm not in school, he wasn't paying for anything, and that I'd have to make do with a $22,000 per year salary. It's gonna be tough, but it can be done.

But I really think we're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves. I haven't been offered anything, or been accepted anywhere yet. So everything's really up in the air, and I don't know what to do. But I'm sitting in Turlington right now chatting with the usual Phi Sig crew. I'm about to head to class, but more on this situation later.

Later gang :)
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