~ Obligatory AX Post ~

Jun 30, 2009 12:17

Well kiddies, it's that time of year again... AX is upon us xD! I've been working my butt off trying to get everything done, both costume-wise and for our Artist's Alley booth!


♥ THURSDAY - Casual Kagami
♥ FRIDAY - Winter Uniform Kagami
♥ SATURDAY- Miko Kagami
♥ SUNDAY - Winter Uniform Patty

It's a Lucky Star-rific convention indeed xD! This line-up started with my sisters and I wanting to do the Winter Uniforms together, but our love for the show and the convenience of re-wearable wigs got the best of us, and our list EXPLODED. The costumes are all really simple but super cute, so I"m excited to wear them together with my sisters <3.


The majority of the work I've put into this con is for our booth at Artist Alley! This is a first time for both me and Jen, and I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like! Hopefully people like (and buy) the stuff we made ~ I made a ton of kawaii charms (for necklaces, hairclips, phone straps, etc) and Jen made a bunch of fabulous wallets and character bookmarks <3.

We'd love it if you all could stop by and say hi if you could :D!


♥ THURSDAY - 12pm - 6pm
♥ FRIDAY - 10am - 6pm (Mike will be manning the booth in the afternoon while we go see Morning Musume xD;)
♥ SATURDAY- 10am - 6pm
♥ SUNDAY - 10am - whenever we get tired and wanna leave!!

I think that's it! I haven't heard if any of you are planning Lucky Star cosplays or not, but if you are be sure to let me know, because PICCIES <3! Also, if any of you fabulous photographer types are looking for subjects, that would be awesome too because I haven't had time to schedule any specific photoshoots with anyone ^^;.

Looking forward to seeya ya'll there :D! Good luck in your last minute prep! (god knows I need it ^^;)

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