Oy sick again. Cold FX, this medicine that you can buy that supposedly gets rid of your cold in three days has failed me. My cold got worse, I don't know how or why. Regardless, I shall not let it ruin the wonderful summer weather.
I'm seriously stumped on what kind of bathing suit to get. I don't want a one piece, but I don't really want a skimpy biniki either. I'm thinking of a Trikini (shorts & tank top bathing suit); I bought that last year, I just lost some weight so it no longer fits. A shame, I really love that suit.
Must search for a job now...I agreed to lend my brother $2000 for a car (I have an enormous college fund) to help him out. Poor guy, he has the worst luck with cars. The new ones always die. Hugs for Sim, he had his wisdom teeth removed. Can't imagine what that must be like.
Star Wars Meme...
Star Wars Horoscope for Leo
You add a whole new meaning to self-assurance.
You are a nurturing person with great physical strength.
Like many Leos, you will see that your mission for good is completed.
You are very optimistic about the future.
Star wars character you are most like: Princess Leia
What is Your Star Wars Horoscope? Cool, Leia's my favorite Star Wars character.