
May 29, 2005 11:27

I got the just sucks because this is summer and a cold is so not what I need right now (but who really NEEDS colds anyway right?) Anywho, I bought the original Star Wars trilogy on DVD, and I can't believe how much prices range. At one place it was $56, another $78! It's crazy. I got my money, so thankfully I can go shopping for a swimsuit because mine don't fit any longer.

Weekend was uneventful. I was supposed to go to the tulip festival but thankfully found a way out of it. Friday we played cards with everyone at Karina's, last night just chilled (although I did want to go out but that didn't happen :@)

Soap Stuff::

>>AMC: Jack & Erica married right? It was cool to see Binky again, but I don't get what's up with the Kendall/Ethan thing. I want her with Zach, they have real chem! Put me in the Ryan-hating camp these days as well, my poor Greens!

>>OLTL: Daniel being revealed as the killer was awesome. I actually felt kinda bad for him. When will Kevin and Kelly get a storyline?

>>Y&R: I can't believe they killed Cassie. Well I can, actually, it was such a heartbreaking episode. I hope Y&R wins the Emmy next year, for this episode alone. It was so sad.
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