Is it really five weeks since I updated? Sorry.

Nov 11, 2007 23:30

Anyway, here is where I will be playing tomorrow. The lovely poster is by Heather Crabtree (aka Crabbers, or the Captain).

" Monday night sees the return of Rae Spoon to Leeds for the first time since Ladyfest back in April. Join us for a night inspired by Woody Guthrie, King Lear and burning down the gay scene, at a Common Place made cosy against the dark November night. Come down, choose a cushion and curl up and let Rae soothe you with his perfect sweet-sad prairie songs.

Rae will be supported by Ste McCabe our brand new favourite punkpop pisstaker: "A one man Buzzcocks, only more gay and more pissed off." and Ian Cockburn & the Whole World the Seven Inches frontman's anti-solo project, with songs of lost optimism and Pembrokeshire. [except i will be on my own for this one, with some rarely or never previously heard material]

Rae Spoon is a young artist who proudly follows in the time-honored tradition of the singers he respects. Armed with influences such as Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams, he continues to mine the territory that lays between reverence for the greats and his own original perspective and voice. Rae’s cowboy-folk twang and prairie imagery is borne out of his history as an Albertan and his lyrics stem from his own unique life experience as a person who is transgendered (born female now identifies as male). Constant touring (mostly on the greyhound) with just a banjo and a guitar has also added to the depth of his storytelling."
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