Oct 07, 2007 13:44
My attempt to sleep in my hammock last night was unsuccessful.
A)- I put the hooks not far enough apart, so I sunk too much in the middle. Well, that can be fixed, but-
B) the hammock is made of a coarse Nylon, (or is it synthetic?) which isn't as comfortable as a fine Mexican hammock.
C) The hammock isn't big enough, it doesn't widen out like a good hammock should.
Plus, I was too tired to wrap myself up properly in sheets and blankets and there was no Reynardin to tuck me in.
In my clumsy efforts I managed to knock my lamp over, and had to make the best of it in darkness. Soon I jumped out and collapsed onto my very unmade bed mattress.
Much as I appreciate the thought behind my mother's gift, this hammock clearly isn't designed for sleeping in. The quality hammock search continues.
(The good news is that Kate and Tim and Shaun agreed to watch Duck Soup last night with me, sating my Marx Brothers cravings at least for a while. I'd forgotten the scene when Groucho gets a vase stuck on his head, a problem Harpo solves by painting a Groucho caricature onto the vase. Then lighting a stick of dynamite to serve as a cigar, thus blowing the vase off. Shaun says he's up for watching more Marx madness.)