Mar 18, 2007 15:43
I would like to take this time to talk about a very special cat. But she’s not a cat anymore; she’s a robot although many people do not know this. The genuine “Ruby” was hit by a car many years ago and died. You think a real cat is 19 years old? The patriarchal figure of the family (the computer programming genius/robot enthusiast he is) built a sort of Ruby2d2 to keep up the spirits of his family, and of course… for self entertainment. This “cat” continues to roam the house exercising various actions he programmed in; like diarrhea-ing on Matt’s clothes. Some of you reading this may have already had an encounter with this deceiver among us. Those that experience a meeting with this creature report first hearing a distinct sort of mechanical screeching noise and often put to voice “Is that a robot???” No, no my friend… that is my cat.
Favorite: Subterranean Homesick Alien - Radiohead
I still find myself thinking in Spanish a heavy percentage of the time..
Last night I was lost in a haze of thought, and when I quickly snapped out of it I knew what had to be done. I grabbed a pair of yellow left-handed scissors, held the curls in my fingers and with steady hand I chopped.
I always thought I would never have the balls to cut my own hair. So.. It’s all gone.
If only those little plastic vacuoles in kinder-eggs were packed with a good-sized bowl
My moms taking a nap out in the garden. In a figurative sense. In a literal one, I am building a tree in my room.
Aha after lasting 3+ years without a nanny, we’ve finally broke down and got a maid. She has a Space & Aeronautics degree and is currently dreaming of working on one of those Argosy boats.