Mar 12, 2007 20:29
I'll start my somewhat therapeutic daily rambles again since no one seems to read LJ anymore, and the only person that would, I have been ostracized by. I actually dont have much to say today. Although...
I did have an insanely intense dream I think was some kind of vision of a past life. I'm not even joking. It was a trippy dream too. It uh... unfortunately however ended in me being sacrificed in some land I did not know of, but I thought was as cruel as Tanzania. The man that lured/dragged me to the city square said to me "Hey, I speak caucasian" and.. the whole begining of the dream was different. I had a little boy and I hid him in these caves (more like burrows we made)as we were running... because we were being religiously persecuted. I felt like I was Jewish or something along those lines. And fruit ended up being somehow strangely symbolic during my death... it was a weird dream. So I'm going to write a story about it and try and figure out where I was ect, and use it for my creative writing final, yes!
Welllll, better signs are coming my way. I felt predatory in a good way today. I guess I'm... pseudo-single for the meantime, but I looked around today, and our school... is full of some very ugly people. So I think I'm not going to open my eyes to that again.
I decided I want a tattoo and what it is very recently, so I told Emilie and she had a dream where she found out what she wanted to get afterall, and it's the exact same thing, same style, but different wording. Insane I tell you!
Also had a weird yet strong dream during my 15 minute pre-dinner nap. It involved me calling something off with a certain person, and then they lean over the hospital bed and puke. I woke up..