
Jan 12, 2007 09:28

It's not so much that i'm bored. but you know. work. eh. :)
It's been so long since I've seen one of these that seemed even remotely interesting, or at least remotely interesting enough for me to waste time on :)
Thanks to pandorasfilth for making my morning more fun than it already was:

1. Elaborate on your default icon
It's a pic of me at Fugakyu, the best japanese restaurant in boston. I think it was an anniversary date with Larry back when we'd go to Fugakyu every chance we got. It was so much fun.
2. What's your current relationship status?
Not single.
3. Ever have a near-death experience?
Not really.
4. Name an obvious quality you have.
5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
There's dead silence. Sad isn't it?
6. Name a celebrity you would marry.
Ewan McGreggor. Too bad he's already taken, and happily at that. No, not too bad for him. Or his wife, but you know. :)
7. Who will cut and paste this first?
There may be a goddess in your future.
8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
I've been compared to Audrey Hepburn before.
9. Do you wear a watch?
Yes. It's a cute one, with frogs on it that my brother gave me for my birthday as part of my Burning Man survival kit. I love it!
10. Do you have anything pierced?
Yes my navel. I had my lip pierced for a few years in college, but I got tired of it and took it out. Sometimes I still miss it.
11. Do you have any tattoos?
No.I suspect it will stay that way
12. Do you like pain?
13. Do you like to shop?
Only sometimes. Stores drain my vitality mostly. But it can be fun. I love buying food. And books. And movies.
14. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Dinner at ZSquare Cafe in Harvard last night with tamilla.
15. What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?
Shutterfly pictures :)
16. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Someone calling for my coworker instead. Also, Nicole.
17. What is on your desktop background?
Home: flamboyantly dressed gay man in Miami, a hilarious pic I got from Vice's online mag. Work: pretty scenery from around the world, currently it's the Rockies
18. What is the background on your cell phone?
I can't remember. Ok fine I checked. It's a fountain in boston common.
19. What was the last movie you watched?
Theater: The Good Shepherd, with Misha. DVD: Crank, two nights ago.
20. What was the last book you read?
Started reading Death, Neil Gaiman's comic book. But last "real" book - Thud, by Terry Prachett, which was hilarious.

See, wasn't that fun?
Ok back to the grind.
Can't wait to go to the Cape!!


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