May 24, 2012 18:21
So my Trigger Finger is not a really big deal. In fact, I have been told that it may just go away on its own and that it is nothing to get excited about at this point.
It showed up late in February and was quite an irritant for about two months, but near the end of April, it eased off and really has been nothing more than idle curiosity and a little bit weird since then. But when I went to the doctor for my checkup, she suggested I see a specialist about it, just to be sure. Well that was today.
My trip to the orthopedist, today resulted in nothing more than a "take some ibuprofen and come back if it gets worse". The doctor said that it often will go away over time as the swelling in the tendon goes down, but if necessary a cortisone injection might clear it up. Worst case, though, would be outpatient surgery. So I guess being sent home to take ibuprofen is a good thing?