Apr 17, 2012 12:51
It has been a long and hard battle usually ending with mom giving in to the cries and temper of a baby desperate to hang onto his bottle. But Jan is starting to see results.
Last Sunday Corey and I had a battle of wills. I was bound and determined that the little rascal could squall his head off if he wanted to, he was not going to get that bottle until he first used the sippy cup. It took a while and at least once I saw poor Jan on the verge of giving in, but she stood by me and eventually Corey took the sippy cup...even if it was only for a short time. Then we let him have his bottle so that he could get something to drink.
Then yesterday, Jan had a major breakthrough while I was at work. She said that after about four hours of fussing and crying, Corey finally took the sippy cup and drank it dry twice in one day.
We're getting there! Next on the agenda....potty training!