Sep 22, 2011 08:57
The last day of a 5-day work week. Tonight I get to go home and am anxious to do so. I don't really know what time I will get there because Ray left me an email that one of the access points at Arbor Hills has gone offline. Most likely that will be nothign more than resetting a tripped GFIC, but it does mean a delay in going home. That is what bugs me the most.. Why do these things want to happen on the day when I am either on my way home and want nothing more than to get the #$%@ out of town? Well I won't gripe too loudly. It's a little bit more money for my pocket to just go by there and reset the breaker. All it costs me is about 30 min of time (most of which is driving). It doesn't really take that long to reset the breaker but my service policy is that I charge by the whole hour. I do make exceptions on occasion for Ray's benefit (he is planning to start up another network and will need someone to build it out and has me in mind for the work), but right now my laptop is on its last leg so I am trying to save up to get another one and am not feeling very generous right now. (Saw a new laptop on sale at Walmart for about $300 last weekend. I can still remember when you had to drop almost $2000 to get a really good one.)
Next week will be the last week of the day shift. The schedule is now out. I go back to night shift and the 4/3 bi-weekly schedule. It means fewer hours. But going to nights means picking up differential so that is an increase in hourly rate. And then on top of that it is one less day of expenses because every other week will be a 3-day work week. Going to lose 12 hours per pay period but pick up 10% pay increase and 1 day less of expenses (gas, parking and food) Overall, it will pan out evenly. I'll bring home a little less, but I won't mind since I will get an extra day off to be with Jan and Corey.