Well Hello Dolly....

Apr 15, 2005 00:50

Wow I am a mess actually. I haven't written an entry for a long time. I felt that it wasn't nescessary and I still think I was right. Tonight was opening night of Dolly. WOAH!! Let me just start out by saying today kicked ass with everyone wearing those cool unghetto green shirts. I love everyone part of Dolly, cuz they're amazing and GOD made them that way yay. So tonight ACT I was kickass. Waiters gallop was cool except when I like sprained my ankle and it hurts like a mofo still OUCH! But it's ok cuz life goes on and thats what happened in Dolly. I then went to the Diner and heard speeches from seniors or senior speeches. Some were emotional and others were funny. HEHEHE. Almost everyone in their speech talked about being a freshman or sophmore watching their seniors giving their speeches. I was watching them give theirs, I think it will be weird if I gave one in the future. I am pretty sure that I am going to do it again next year cuz kevin who I think loves me AHHHH!!!!will kill me if I don't do it again. He told me do it for yourself and..Danny Whalen hahaha It was weird but that's what he said. I think Kevin would be a good drinking buddy. Either way I wanted to get high tonight. But in a good way not by using drugs or drinking but getting a natural high just on life. Then just a few MOMENTS (U GET IT IT ONLY TAKES A MOMENT) ago ,y mother was telling me about Mrs. Kurz my 5th grde teacher who came to watch me perform. I felt so proud because she was the teacher that affected my future greatly. I actually felt like crying because she made me want to be a better person. She changed my ways of being such a prick into being a better kid in the world. I think she is amazing. Anyway I'm not getting any sleep tonight so that's cool Nighty Night

Those Letters are my life right Katie Walsh?
Gabe is my spanish brotherin....
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