Oct 03, 2006 10:24
Dearest Nobility,
It's OCTOBER!!! I mean...I knew that, but :D This morning I woke up and was like "wait...Halloween is in like...4 weeks!!!" GARGH!!! :D I adore Halloween. I gotta do something fun that day. I'm at "work" that day. No school for me. Maybe I'll go to WL and check out Oleson/Crawford Lady's costume. She always does stuff like that. So that should probably be fun. Hang out in her room for the day. Unless I've started working at PacSun (if I get the job), in which case I may request to work the morning shift because on Halloween little kids go Trick-or-Treating in the mall. And as much as I hate little kids around me...when they are all dressed up for that, they aren't half bad.
I finally got over frustrated with the selection (or lack thereof) of music at Sam Goody. So I ordered both Red Paintings CD's off of Amazon (and as soon as I get them, I'll burn copies for you emu!!) But they didn't have Emilie Autumn there. Like, how does Amazon not have something? Whatever, so I'm on the hunt. :D
Your Little Nothing