Just a post to keep track of dreams and memories received for Youth.
Birth Dreams
First birth dream.
Second birth dream.
Revolving Revelries
Dash's Dream - 2nd RR - A scene of being in a medical lab and a scene of a fight are interspersed into a scene of having pizza with several friends. The dreamer is wearing spandex and fighting, and due to what he saw and what Youth has discussed with Dash, he's rather certain this is Dash's dream.
Derrick's Dream - 2nd RR - Obviously Derrick as he talks about Derrick and his voice is heard. Speaks of being an author and killing off his character, the "golden goose." Features an ex-wife.
Fred's Dream - 1st RR - Tracked down to Fred as her name was said, and she confirmed it was hers. Deep red grass, fear and voices, a double-heartbeat as she ran.
Genius' Dream - 2nd RR - Obviously Genius' as he speaks and 'Genius' is said. Several games of chess. Genius is winning most of them but not all, and there are a lot of people shown. He wanders through a building to the different games, and the exchange ends in a chair with questions about sleeping.
Justice's Dream - 2nd RR - Unknown owner. Pain and noise, blood and grey, guilt over a murder. Blue eyes and laughter, and the dreamer must pay for his crimes.
Lezard's Dream - 2nd RR - Unknown owner. The dreamer was stabbed through the chest after breaking an earring. The words "Not yours" were on the earring and whispered into the dreamer's ear after being stabbed.
Rook's Dream - 1st RR - Unknown owner. Being alive in battle, something that felt familiar. Fire, shogi, and torn-out eyes. The eyes are an odd ping.
Seven's dream - 1st RR - Tracked down to Seven since she was obviously pink, and the number was everywhere. Established Bell as important to her, aka Silver. Had two others, Red and Orange. An exam of sorts, at a stone Youth knows is familiar with the names of those who died on duty. A few familiar voices were heard, but not placeable aside from Bell's and Seven's.
Shoanji's Dream - 1st RR - Unknown owner. Takes place on a ship that's stuck on a sandbar. The owner of the dream took a fork and bows and arrows. Death and danger and swimming and stars being right, closing the jaws of Oblivion.
Memory Crystals
Sight/Touch - Defending Lotus against the sand. Punishment - Dressed as
this for five days.
Sound/Smell/Touch/Taste - Opening the gates for the first time. Punishment - Lost half of his money.
Theatre - all five - Canon first appearance. Punishment - None for theatre.
Dropped into hot water - Sight/Sound/Touch - Taking down an enemy squad as ANBU. Punishment - Blindness for three days due to method, as well as glowing.
Mysterious Deliveries
Moon's Crystal - A boy with golden eyes, trapped in a cage. The cage melted away when their hands touched, and the boy's smile was amazing. Due to talking with Moon and Meatbun, Youth knows now who this dream was about.