Astronauts are fun to draw. Almost as easy as fat people, but slightly less fun than drawing zombies. The interesting thing is that the perspective actually gets HARDER with things in zero gravity, not easier. But this is a minor issue
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Here's something to do if you're bored today: Guess the movie title from the re-enactment of it done with office stationary: No, really, it's kind of cool. I only got 13 out of 20, though I still say "Brain Dead" should be a viable answer to #19.
ALSO, and I am SHAMELESSLY stealing thunder from common_as_stone, this is the funniest thing I have seen since the
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I admit I was skeptical, but I was also bored and groggy this morning, so I took it. Ganked from some people whose journals I read. This is so completely accurate for me it is kind of unnerving. Except for the cartoon. The cartoon is stupid
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I took this after misswong77's results seemed interesting. I really liked the questions and everything, and was very curious to see my results. So here they are under the cut.
Tonight I'm heading over to Jonfan's house to watch "Gymkata" a glorious 80s movie combining the art of male gymnastics and the ancient art of Ka-rah-tay. Oh, and eff Portland in the ay-hole for not having a place other than Charbucks that makes a good cuppa chai. That is all. I'm off to watch a gymnast defeat an Eastern European nation using
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