"I love you, I love you, I love you..."

Sep 27, 2002 22:41

I'm like... listening to the Beatles songs my mom download from when we had Morpheus. I like them. Some of them.

Wow. I feel like I've been slapped and shoved in a closet. ::twitch:: The closehanger is stabbing my back.

I'm uber bored. And I'm using the word uber, and I've never used that word before. It's weird. UBER. Feel the WRATH of... dum dum dum... UBER!! Woosh!

Kazaa is messing up again for me. The search button isn't working again. Damn them. Just when I thought of some songs, it doesn't work. I had like 3 songs goin' too...

::sigh:: I want a hug... no. I think I need one. Like... just a simple hug from one of my friends or something. I don't care.

I have nothing to do and I'm doing nothing. I was so bored today at school and even more when I got home. But I hd this crazy thought in my head that I was going to the game at McAurther, but Brittany said she wasn't going, so I didn't go. I wish I was 21.

Living in my own house or something with my Taco Bell dog named Tim and my black cat named Tabitha and my own phone and my own rooms decorated my ME. Everything chosen, and set up how I like it by ME. That'd be great. And I'd have parties and go to bars and clubs with MY friends and get drunk and stuff. And have fun, and drive around and just drive out somewhere at night, at like 2 in the morning, and... just drive. Alone. By myself. With pepper spray by my side and the doors locked. And a cellphone tucked safely in my pocket.

And I could just drive around and think and drive by everyones houses and be like... waving as I drive by. And then sneak in and wake them up and bring them in my car and we'd drive around together.

Then the next day, we'd paint a random room in my house blood red with a black boarder. That'd be so cool. And go swimming. 'Fishing' probably.

And just have fun and stuff. And whatever. Go to the mall. Buy things. Just walk around. Throw food at unsuspecting preps... as we run. Ya' know? Do fun stuff... like how Joe and Ken were that day in the car. Roll down the window to the car next to you with their window down, learn how to keep a straight face as you look forward, and mimick and make fun of them and hpe tha they later don't follow you and try and talk to you and hope they aren't scary like that lady and her husband guy o.o;;

Heh. It's gonna be pretty cool when I'm a senior. I'm gonna like... do things. I dunno what, but they will be done. Like, I wanna do something REALLY crazy for the senior prank. Like, they did last year, only WAY better.

Yea... can you tell I'm bored out of my mind and having nothing to do? No? Yes? I can tell. I should like... be doing something as opposed to the non-doing-of-things I'm doing now... o.o; K.

So... I'm gonna... find something to do... bye.
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