Today... I... got my interum. 1 D which was one first hour. I hate him. He said I deserved it and I don't. He can go choke on a cock for all I care. Then I got 3 P's (passing... for teachers who are too lazy to do the math), 1 B, 1 A, and 1 A+. Yea. Whoop dee do for me.
I talked to Chris about why he was ignoring me. He said because I didn't saying anything to him. Then he asked if him, Britt, and me were still going to the movies and I said that I didn't know because I don't know if she wants to go. I don't feel like going with him anymore then I did before. He's pissed me off andis acting like it's my fault so whatever.
My CD player died again. Fuck you Nick. I lied to the teacher so you wouldn't get in trouble. Want me to go in Monday and say what I did? And tell her WHY I did it?? How you wouldn't stop when I said stop? Mm hm.
And my mom said she isn't gonna go to the hospital with me to see Jack, but she'll take me there. Yea okay whatever mom. I guess I just won't see him ever. And I had another dream about him last night. Just to let you now... bye.
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Quizilla oh my, lol, how'd they know I was single?:
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Quizilla is this a good pic for ur icon kyle... since I cannot find any good one?:
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Quizilla Hmm... note to self... download Imogen Heap's Getting Scared... k:
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