Mar 02, 2004 17:34
Does it make sense to like some one so much? No...but it's happening! I don't even see him, and I'm freaking in love with him... I mean it... I don't want to sound all creepy stalker like.. but I find that I start to look for him in the halls in between classes, and I think about him all during math, where he should be, but of course, he was just too smart... The other day, I got in line for lunch,a nd he got right behind me, and all I was thinking was, 'I should say something' 'No, he doesn't want to talk to you'... but I just said hi anyways.. So I said hi, and asked how things were going, and he ACTUALLY talked back to me, it was amazing... Not that he didn't talk to me before, but before I didn't like him as much... I don't know why I like him, because I don't even know him, though I think I've said that so many times before. It's true though. I mean I know his name is Richard W. and I know that he likes baseball and football, and that he is really smart, but doesn't like to be told that. I know that he listens when you talk to him, and makes an effort to talk back to you. I know that when he was in my math class, and I'd ask him for some help, he wouldn't complain, or ask me what I would give him in return, he would just help out like a good person. I know that when I look into his eyes while he's talking, that it's sincere and genuine. I also know, that he will listen to what you have to say, even if he doesn't agree, and won't critisize or ridicule what you've said. I also know, that he was raised in the church, but not baptized, and he knows the principles of the church, so he can't hate me because of my religion. He knew I was mormon in the process of us becoming aquantences, and he respected me, without mocking me, even though he didn't believe the things of the church. I know that if he ever asked me on a date, it would be sincere, and I wouldn't have to second guess it, though I'm not saying that he ever would ask me, just an if... and that's what I know about him... I just wish I knew more. I just don't know how to confront him and start talking, when there are no times when I can... I just don't know...