See, I told Ya ( I would update)

Oct 13, 2004 18:33

The broadcasters on FOX are retarded. They just had like a 5 minute discussion about how Pedro's pants were pulled down and hooked under the spikes on his shoes. Who the hell cares?? Seriously. Then he said " You very rarely hear a raucous (sp? He meant "crowd that causes a ruckus" I believe)crowd at a well pitched ball game." That man has apparently never been to Fenway Park. And the little baseball graphic named scooter who tells us about the different kinds of pitches is also retarded. Everytime they show it I get this mental picture of Gordon sitting on the couch at Howard Street going on and on about how dumb it is and then Roommate Chris making some sort of loud comment about how stupid it is while shuffling into the kitchen to get a beer(I miss baseball on Howard Street. I miss Gordon getting frustrated and going away. I miss Chris falling asleep around the 7th. I miss Beals "trotting" through the foyer and hallway every time Trot would Homer. I miss not having to watch the game on Tuesdays during 24 but always knowing what was happening because Andy, TK, Korsh, and Smiley would yell so loud).This is why I hate FOX. They spend all sorts of time doing stupid little graphic thingies and don't show the actual game. No one cares about the types of pitches, nor do they want to have Scooter the cartoon baseball explain it to them.

Enough about that.

Life Update:

I'm adjusted (for the most part) to life here. Except that people still don't know how to drive in the rain which I think will always drive me crazy. I haven't lost my accent, but I will admit to saying "ya'll". But in the context of "What are ya'll doing?". I don't say things like "ya'lls marriage, or ya'lls fixin to go out?" nor will I EVER do that. If I do, I give all of you permission to smack me.

Work right now sucks. I think its mostly due to the fact that I am completely burnt out. I still have no assistant and no one is doing anything about it, except saying that its someone else's responsibility to hire said assistant. By federal law I am required to have one so I have no idea how they are getting away with this. I am tired. I have no textbook to work out of so when I do lesson plans I have to go elsewhere and to many outside sources to find materials, which takes a lot of time. I have to correct and grade all my papers. I have to do IEP's. I have to go to all the IEP meetings. I have to do report cards and progress reports. I have to copy all my materials. All my special ed co-workers have people to assist them in doing all these things and I don't so I can't get anything done.Then my co-workers with assistant bitch that there assistant might have to come help me. My first block class has 16 SEVERLY disabled students in it and I have no assistant to help me.

I think one of the things that really bothers me the most is that by Bush's stupid No Child Left Behind Law,my school is currently one of the "at risk" schools, meaning that it is not meeting all state and federal requirements concerning graduation rates and percentage of students who take state exams and blah blah. Well one of the areas that we score the lowest in is Special Ed and the percentage of students who take the exams and who graduated and what not. Well, it drives me fucking crazy when the principal sits in a faculty meeting going on and on about how we need to improve these numbers especially in the Special Ed department, when he won't get off his ass and properly staff his special ed department so that they can potentially make improvements.

And another stupid thing according to No Child Left Behind is that any student who graduates with a Special Ed diploma (which is basically a certificate of attendance. My students can't get a "regular" diploma because they do not take the state graduation exam)is statistically counted a sa drop out. So why the fuck I'm bothering is beyond me.

I'm ready to walk. Unfortunately the amount of complications that come along with walking are numerous.
So that's that story.

Otherwise I'm OK. I feel very out of touch with people which is very much my own fault. I work 60+ hours a week between the time I spend at school, the time I spend doing therapy with nick, and the time I spend doing work related things at home, so I am very tired and busy. I get home at about 6 at night, make dinner, correct whatever papers I need to correct and then go to bed. Its not very exciting.

I guess that's about it. I will leave you with a conversation had by Ms. Lawless (who is one of my co-workers) and new student (who is absolutely INSANE):

Miss Lawless (ML): What's your name?
Student (S: Huh?
ML: What's your name?
ML: What do people call you?
S: OH! People call me a slut.

True story folks.

Take Care. Write me E-mail. I miss you all.

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