Erin mentally debates destroying most of the world.

Nov 17, 2007 04:47

How bad would it be if I killed all but selective people and kept them on this one little place until we all died and then the world would end because we'd be the only ones left? Bad? What? Ugh. Killjoy.

First things first, since when is it this bloody cold in Florida in the middle of November?! I mean seriously. We're putting some northern states to shame with this whole "freeze watch" and crap. Killlll.

Secondly, since when do I actually get cold even when it's cold out?! Rawr. I am clearly not like humanity in general, so this is an outrage and blasphemy and all sorts of other words I can't come up with because I haven't had enough SLEEP.  Or something. ...Mostly it's just annoying.

Thirdly, what was up with that headache earlier?! I ended up nearly blacking out (tunnel vision, sparkles in my eyes, dizzyyyy) at my grandparents, and it was all downhill from there. By the time I got home (like, midnight), I could barely handle walking without letting everyone notice that I was about to die dizzy, and nearly got sick, and it was like salmonella but in my brain instead of my stomach. Seriously, that's the best way to describe it, and that's what I was thinking the whole time. So I slept and now it feels... eh, mostly-better. It's still there, but just very faint. Sneaking around. Moo.

Which brings around my next point which is why can't I sleep longer than 4 hours without waking up and not getting back to sleep?! Gr. Grr I tell you. I feel like I'm three steps from falling over but I just can't sleep. My cat's not helping matters any (going nuts without my momma here, seriously), but really. Gr. Not cool.

Um, oh and just because I'm complaining mildly doesn't mean I'm unhappy. Aside from these annoyances, and my momma not being home yet, missing My People, and the prospect of Emo!sister, I'm happy. :) Just in a sort of irrationally murderous mood, but I'm still a very happy banana pepper.

Oh, and I have chocolate for tomorrow. See my SHEER JOY? I'm seriously craving some right now. I'd eat it now, but then I'd never sleep. At all ever. It's like a Butterfinger, but in the shape of those break-apart Hershey's bars. Also there's a chocolate Santa from my momma. Nothing screams it's almost Christmas dudes! like someone screaming it's almost Christmas dudes! a chocolate Santa! :)

...Oh and somehow my sisters have started me saying (or at least thinking) "your mom" as a valid response to ...just about everything. Seriously. I almost added that as the answer to the "music" thing. :P

overuse of font decor, grr, chocolate, christmas, kill?, random, sleep, family, onoes, your mom?, blowing-up-the-world, weather, my people, happy, happy banana pepper

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